A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Monday, August 29, 2011


By Douglas Stanglin, USA TODAY
'Inappropriate relationship' is possible motive in penis-severing case


If any similar mutilation would have been done by a husband to his wife, all the feminists and “woman-defenders” would be crying from the bottom of their lungs; but since the crime was done by a wife who showed no regrets and like normal feminists appears above the law, the author focused on the reason. Justification is normally used by criminals; thus the author appears as a crime condoner. The media in this case appears to look for a reason to justify another wife mutilating her husband.

A similar reaction appeared on a major American publisher—I don’t remember which, could research; in the case of the mom-Smith who murdered her children with her car to the pond. Case after case about vicious mothers and vicious wives are normally reported in apologetic mode. After all there is a judicial process, and the courts normally favor kindness to women over men. So, takes the law into her own hands was more pleasing—feminism at its best.

Where is the rage and the call for justice and the adjectives that would be used in this article if the crime was from the husband to wife. Heavy language is normally used for criminals when men commit similar crimes against woman? Instead, Douglas Stanglin, writes as if all is normal, or if that criminal wife could be justified.

USA TODAY’s editors are no better than the article’s author. Such tone to justify violence from women is adding fuel to the barbaric violence cycle flooding our society in the space age. Just as bad are the religious preachers who only see the negative of men’s crimes, but remain silent when women are the culprits; silence is approval.

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