A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Greed and ADHD

Seed Newsvine

Reference to:
Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:59pm EDT
* Recommendations expected on Thursday
* A few panelists question evidence
* FDA will later make final decision
By Lisa Richwine______________________________________
My Comment
The Love of Money

The capitalists want to destroy our children for the love of money.  Capitalism must prove itself, rather than manipulating children and parents alike with sophisticated advertisements, and euphemism for labeling.  Free trade is a right; but destroying our environment and our health and our children’s personalities for the love of money is a crime. 

Food coloring has no nutrition value.  All that food coloring does is creating a natural appeal to fool the consumer to think that such food in natural, as it appears to look close to nature’s appearance.  Now, it is another tobacco fiasco.  Foods with food coloring should be taxed to offset our medical bills, like tobacco is taxed.  Come on Obama this is your chance to shine and prep for 2012.

We need laws to sue the living lights off of the retailers who sell that contaminated food, and sue the food manufacturers who put the poison in the food, and sue the chemical manufactories who produce that poison.  Where are the lawyers?   This is the lawyers paradise.  The economy has been too good for the trial lawyers. 

Come on moms, make that call to your lawyers. This is your opportunity to rightfully squeeze some money from the greedy, unscrupulous, corrupt, and sneaky business executives.  Sue each individual on the board of directors too, they are the ones who have the final say.  But that money is so beautiful.  It is irresistible.   

Go for it moms, you deserve it; your emotional toil, your child’s self-esteem, your lost time to make arrangements for your child, your pain in seeing your child unstable.  All of that can be translated onto dollars.  Go for it mom help your dear child with ADHD.  It is your duty, sue them. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Forgery for Birth Certificates

Reference to:

Transgender New Yorkers sue over birth certificates


My Commnet
The public needs to be protected. If BCs area altered, afterwards, people will sue the government for the allowing altered birth certificates which will lead to people marrying the wrong gender biologically.

Marriage requires openness. Once changed in the birth certificate, innocent people who expect to marry a person of the other gender will be getting a fraudulent marriage and unable to have children, because of biologically-fraud records. There are limits. People may choose, but one’s choices cannot deceive innocent people.

The only option remaining for the public to know whom a person will marry will depend on blood tests. Therefore, blood tests for marriage should be standard, as it was in some places.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Only What You Think


March 21, 2011, 3:16 pm

A Decade of Boosting Breast Size


My Comment

If you ugly and you know it, go for surgery.

If you ugly and you know it, don’t tell me.

If you ugly and you know it and you not afraid to claim it

You are what you choose to be.

I didn’t know you were ugly until you told me.

If you think you are ugly don’t tell me.

If you think you are ugly, it is only what you see.

If it is that what you think, it is all you will be.

DFF Leonardo

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Set Gadhafi Free

Seed Newsvine

The US and Britain are mistaken about the 112 missiles.  That is a shame.  Let Gadhafi is be happy, 122 missiles is an insult.  Where are the other 159 reminder missiles to make 270.  One-for-one is Gadhafi’s law.  This is to spare the Libyan people. 

What did take Obama so long?  

Please don’t kill Gadhafi, send him to Lockerbie to the presence of each of the American and British families of whose relatives died from Gadhafi’s terrorism. Let’s have a party at the Pan Am site with Gadhafi being the guest.  

And then, set him free.  Drop him from 20,000 thousand feet, without a shoot.     

About Brazilian anti American leftist demonstrators

Seed Newsvine


My Comment

The left wing Brazilians are a minority of left-over communists or pro-communists. Their anti-US hate shows them as being concerned about the US buying Brazilian-oil, but they have not complained about Petro-Bras exploring in the US-Golf off Louisiana.

We should excuse their ignorance. Most of these pro-communists are in the same mentality and knowledge that they had when the USSR was supporting them.

School Encouraging Bullying

Seed Newsvine

The school suspending Casey for his self-defense is showing that the school tolerates and encourages bullying. For, all the suspension says is that the victim will get punished for self-defense. Thus, the bullies are encouraged to bullying by knowing that their victims will get victimized twice, if they defend themselves.

The Bottom line is classism. The school’s action shows it clearly. The victim appears to be an overweight or obese boy (Casey) who was punched, and more was coming, according to the video. The victims of bullying are normally the poor, the less attractive, the less successful, the immigrants, the new comers, minorities, and even homosexuals; those out of the arrogants’ circles. The school’s actions appear to confirm the bias system.

It all comes to the bottom line. The least important become the victims. The school system supports exclusion by indirectly supporting bias. According to the news, bullying and fights are routine in this school.

Casey’s family should sue the school for neglect and for lack of proper supervision.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

America Going Backwards

Reference to:

Judge Forces Hysterectomy on God-Loving Woman
Posted by Kim Conte 
on March 7, 2011 at 2:41 PM

My Comment

Judge Karen Townsend should get a medal for the Tyranny-Pig-Award.  Perhaps the ward should also be given to those who nominated Judge Karen for a Judge; she seems to be an extremist.  This woman appears as an animal forcing her will on a person who is being denied her free right to choose if she want a surgery or not.

Karen is showing her hate for freedom of choice.  This tyrant disguised as a judge is tarnishing the women movement.  It is well shown that women judges are hate mongers who prosecute man in divorces; but Judge Karen is now setting a new precedent by siding with the corrupt medical industry.  Let’s never forget that two thirds of surgeries in the US were being performed for the dollars.  That is why now second opinions are required for surgery.    

If the women patience “LK” would cite not reason, or if she would simply choose no treatment, that probably would be respected.  However, LK mentioned God.  God is the one being on trial now.  A judge found her "mentally incompetent" based on her "delusional religious beliefs" and ruled she was to have the procedure.”

Who from Hell (we know it can’t be from Heaven) is Karen Townsend to determine someone’s religious views?  If LK would want to take medicine to end her life, perhaps the judge would agree that LK had the right to choose.  Whether Karen is an out-the-closet atheist or not, it has not been revealed.  However, one thing she has demonstrated about herself as a judge, she is bias against religion.  

Where is the American Civil Liberties Union?  Of course the AMCU normally sides with the anti-God crowd; LK is on the religious side.

The United States Constitutions is supposed to grant freedom religion.  However, if LK is poor, she will not have the money to defend herself.  Is the United States of America going backwards, when the Arabs are literally dying to get their freedom?  Karen Townsend is a shame the word “America.”       

Friday, March 4, 2011

America, Love it or Leave it.

Seed Newsvine

Reference to:

ABC News

2010 Saw Record Number of Immigration Laws, 2011 Projected to Surpass That

March 4, 2011

My Comment

Caucasians will not be stopped by profiling. But look at the harassment for the people with darker skin, kinky hair and non English accents. The lawyers must be jumping with joy for the next round of big business.

The SS will say “Prove to me that you are here legally—if no ID? I will book you. Meanwhile, as the proud Texans are doing: If you are or become a slave, I mean a maid or a grass cutter or yard cleaner, anybody doing servile work, I will let you go. After all, I don’t want to do that when I get home. So you are OK, it is convenient to me—a defined two class system.

However, if we look at the long term cultural implication, preventing Latinos from coming uncontrolled into the USA, is the only way that America will remain America. Otherwise we will become Americana.

It would not be wrong with having the majority of Americans being Latinos, as it will be in another three decades. If Latinos come in waves, they will not be Americanized, rather we will be Latinized. The English language will change significantly, the thinking process will change, corruption will prevail. That is not to say that the English culture does not have its own share of corruption; it does.

Let’s look at Mexico and the other Latino Countries and even Puerto Rico and Brazil. In these cultures, making an exception to the law is common practice—dishonesty generally is seen as heroism; yet, there are many honest and nice people within the Latinos.

The bottom line is we need to have some control over our own culture and language. If our language goes, our culture goes, we will cease to be what we are.

I am not being racist. My native language is Portuguese, and I am fluent in Spanish. I lived among all three cultures, I see it from the inside out.

The USA needs to preserve English as the national language. Being obedient to the law is a duty. America needs to remain America. Love it or leave it.

Media Gender-Bias

Seed Newsvine

Referennce to:

NBC News


My Comment

If the genders were reversed in the women preventing a driver to park and assaulting the driver, the headlines would be different. Let’s follow the sequence that was reported in reverse. A woman decides that nobody can park unless her boyfriend is assured the spot, but the boy friend is not there with the vehicle.

She stands abstruding proper use of the parking lot, to reserve it for her boyfriend. Another driver arrives and wants to park; but the women without any right or authority tries to stop the rightful driver-by-time of arrival from parking.

It appears that, they argue and she violently assaults him leaving him marks--according to is lawyer.  In reaction he punches her leaving her unconscious.   He is still probably under the shock of what happens and goes home.  He gets arrested, but the women who started aggression is made the victim.  Typical American a mantra "poor woman."  

Women are used beat and kill men and then get away with it; so, when a man defends himself from women, it is called agression.   When are the feminists going to follow the golden rule?  Never, as long as our laws are biased against the male gender.

The law of violence says that the person who starts violence deserves to get beat.  If she started the fight; she got what any other aggressor gets.

We can see the media spinning for feminism. That is the core of the problem, media-bias and corrupted courts supporting women’s violence. In this case, if the gender would have been reversed, the media would be hailing the woman as a hero for defending herself. But, In this case, the man defending himself is seen as the aggressor. Oscar Fuller will not get a fair trial on this because he is a man.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Book of Mormon is about Jesus, not Socialism

Seed Newsvine

Reference to:

The Salt Lake Tribune


The case for Book of Mormon socialism


First published Feb 26 2011 12:15AM

Updated Mar 1, 2011 03:23PM


My Comment

While Williams’ general quotations from scripture are true, one must be careful in implying that the Book of Mormon is about socialism, because it is not about socialism. Just like the New Testament is not about socialism. Rather, both scriptures reflect on the principal of Christianity—love and equality on free-will-bases to achieve salvation.

Equality is one quality needed for salvation. Yes, Jesus did say that richesness was an obstacle to salvation (paraphrasing); but, neither Jesus nor Joseph Smith ever condemned wealth.

Also, Glen Beck and Mitt Romney are not the examples of LDS people, nor do they represent the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Though that does not mean they are bad people, not at all. But to use Beck and Romney as an implication of the LDS church is wrong.

By example, Romney is not the ideal church member.  The fact is that “Staples” of which Romney is one of its founders—if I am correct, and continues to have a large stake on, forces its employees to work on Sunday. Sunday is the Lord’s day, no work to be done, except emergencies or unavoidable tasks. Staples is open seven days a week.

So wile Mitt may keep the Sabbath day holly, he deprives his subordinates to do likewise. It is his money and his free agency.  Moreover, anyone who heard Romney’s debate with Kennedy for the Senate in the 90s, can see that Romney is not the person to be used as an example of the LDS church.

Getting back to socialism and the Book of Mormon. It is wrong to associate the Book of Mormon or the New Testament or the LDS Church with socialism. For, scripture as well as the LDS Church focus on helping each person to help him or herself. That is not redistribution of one’s money. Even though in Peter’s time as well as in the early LDS Church the practice did exist, it was not by force.

Extra taxes on the rich or on a corporation as Troy Williams suggests, is forced equality. That is unchristian. Therefore using the Book of Mormon or the New Testament to force equality is misusing the sacred scriptures, that is what Constantine did. Jesus gave us the scriptures to promote freedom, so people could choose eternal life.

However, if by free will, the people choose to be equal, then the scriptures can be used for such encouragement. Other wise, it is sacrilegious to compare the Book of Mormon with socialism.

Justice is being done.

Seed Newsvine

Reference to:

Washington Post


Supreme Court considers former attorney general Ashcroft's liability in lawsuit

By Robert Barnes

Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, March 2, 2011; 11:14 PM


My Comment

About time that justice is at least being considered; where the accused is presumable innocent. Kidd was not charged. He was being detained as a “witness”. This type of activity is what we charge Gaddafi as being cruel and as being a tyranny.

The reality is that in the land of the free – the Great USA, our leaders in authority act the same way the Arab tyrants have been acting. Where is justice? This is the USA, and Ashcraft should have known that. The problems seem to indicate that Bush and his cronies were under the allusion that the USA was and extension of Saudi Arabia; where the law only applies to those in the lower class.

Being kept for two weeks without cloths and with the lights shinning on is cruel and it is what is done to prisoners of war. Shame on Ashcraft and his system of tyrants.

Yes, authorities should be held personally accountable for what happens under their line of authority. It is what they are being paid for with hefty salaries—to take responsibility. In any other way, America would cease to be America.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Huckabee is shooting his mouth off

Reference to:



In my answer, I simply misspoke when I alluded to President Obama growing up in 'Kenya' and meant to say Indonesia."

--Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee


My Coment

It appears that Huckabee is shooting his mouth off again like Sara Palin without thinking or without being fully informed. It appears to be Huckabee’s pattern, for he did the same thing when he attacked Mitt Romney’s religion during their candidacies in the last presidential run.

The Popes have been hating the Jews

Seed Newsvine

Reference to:



Pope exonerates Jews for death of Jesus

Benedict XVI's theological analysis contradicts traditional Catholic interpretations which have been used throughout history to justify anti-Semitism.

By The Associated Press Tags: Israel news

My Comment

The Popes have been hating the Jews. As if the Jewish rulers who killed Jesus by proxy represented the entire Jewish nation. Well, Jesus was a Jew and so were his disciples and the whole base of Christianity —Jews.

The Jews who killed Jesus did what every one in power throughout the world has done before and after Jesus--kill all possible opposition. It had nothing to do with religion. It was purely power.

So, Joe or Benedict is not doing anything special. He is just putting things in perspective. However, Benedict should also condemn his darn predecessors for instigating hate against the Jews in order to take the focus off their corruption of mixing paganism with the teachings of Christ.

When is the Pope going come clean in all of that? If Benedict was really serious about his findings, he would admit that the Catholic Church has been wrong.

An apology to the Jews community is simple overdue.  That would be Christ-like.