A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Virginia – challenge to Federal healthcare


NY Times
Virginia – challenge to Federal healthcare


My Take

As the United States of America keeps on polarizing towards an absolute military-sate, more states as well as more individuals will challenge the tyrant. I have had times when I did not have health care insurance. Those were the times when food was scarce, and the little borrowed money was to pay delinquent taxes and utilities.

Sometimes, I was without utilities. Once I was weight months without electricity, and because my water was from a well, I did not have power from the pump, thus my water was fetched from the town’s pond. So, another federal law forcing me to have insurance, would be taking from the little food I had.

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama with their abundance of money have no idea how people live in poverty. Just as bad, congress has guaranteed income and perks that put the name America to shame. So, the poor are not part of the American plan. The protective net is only for women disguised as Families with children. That is why women go long ways to get that kid as a source of income. “Guaranteed income”, a woman told me.

Some young girls have bragged that they will not have to work for 20 years. “They knew they were sitting on a gold mine.” A baby becomes an anchor to steady income. When that baby reaches age for mom to get a job by welfare rules, another baby will replace the first. The chain goes on, because, the guy believed she was on the pill, but for 24 years he will remember that it was all part of that woman’s plan.

Even if the father has joint custody, but if mom has physical custody, the mam has no public recourse. So in reality only some people get really hurt from Obamcare—men. Neither democrats nor republicans have any respect for the poor, especially for the male gender, another tyrant-law just hurts a few—just those who are disposable by our government—only men who are poor.

However, for whatever reason, The State of Virginia is on the right track, because only those who chose to give money to the capitalist system are free to do so; the rest who can’t afford, may opt out. We are talking about the right to choose. Only those of us who have been without work know how the system functions.

I count five jobs-shutdowns and numerous layoffs. So, Linda Greenhouse should make research into real life before writing as if forced-health care is correct in a country where people use to be free with their own money—the USA—we use to call it “the land of the free”.