A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Atheists vs. Bible

The entire atheist problem can be slaved quickly to honest atheists, and can become more complex to the dishonest unbelievers. All that the atheists need to do is read the bible on the context of its time and of its progress. They would not sound ignorant, for they would have knowledge instead of using single paragraphs to state their opinion. Moreover, as it is stated on the bible there are spiritual manifestations, also known as the supernatural.

The problem is that humans can not control the supernatural, therefore making it not scientific verifiable. Those who have such experiences don’t talk about it because there is much falsehood in this area too, as well as mockery.

On the other hand, it is the immaturity and the lack of knowledge of many religions people that feed the atheists’ argument. But, the atheists are correct in many areas, because of modern day “Judas’” religious profiteers. Many in religion are hypocrites and professional preachers who put their interests above God’s will.

God has a purpose and God has His own laws. This area of God’s laws is what makes the atheists tumble, because they judge God by man’s understanding—their own creation of truth and reason based on human opinion. Check me on twitter.

Parental neutral passport


Where were the Fox editors? The article contradicts itself. First, it says: Sprague said the decision to remove the traditional parenting names was not an act of political correctness. And then it states: “She still had to put her name in the father field, This is precisely the Feminist/homosexual agenda omitting the word father.

Now the fairness of the US government will be seen here. Let’s see if they will apply that terminology in court, where bias guarantees favoring the mother. Where is justice? Where are the Congress kids? Appears that congress is still not helping the people in general; but, they seem to remember those to whom they sell their votes in exchange for contributions of time with posters or cash.
