A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Friday, March 4, 2011

America, Love it or Leave it.

Seed Newsvine

Reference to:

ABC News

2010 Saw Record Number of Immigration Laws, 2011 Projected to Surpass That

March 4, 2011

My Comment

Caucasians will not be stopped by profiling. But look at the harassment for the people with darker skin, kinky hair and non English accents. The lawyers must be jumping with joy for the next round of big business.

The SS will say “Prove to me that you are here legally—if no ID? I will book you. Meanwhile, as the proud Texans are doing: If you are or become a slave, I mean a maid or a grass cutter or yard cleaner, anybody doing servile work, I will let you go. After all, I don’t want to do that when I get home. So you are OK, it is convenient to me—a defined two class system.

However, if we look at the long term cultural implication, preventing Latinos from coming uncontrolled into the USA, is the only way that America will remain America. Otherwise we will become Americana.

It would not be wrong with having the majority of Americans being Latinos, as it will be in another three decades. If Latinos come in waves, they will not be Americanized, rather we will be Latinized. The English language will change significantly, the thinking process will change, corruption will prevail. That is not to say that the English culture does not have its own share of corruption; it does.

Let’s look at Mexico and the other Latino Countries and even Puerto Rico and Brazil. In these cultures, making an exception to the law is common practice—dishonesty generally is seen as heroism; yet, there are many honest and nice people within the Latinos.

The bottom line is we need to have some control over our own culture and language. If our language goes, our culture goes, we will cease to be what we are.

I am not being racist. My native language is Portuguese, and I am fluent in Spanish. I lived among all three cultures, I see it from the inside out.

The USA needs to preserve English as the national language. Being obedient to the law is a duty. America needs to remain America. Love it or leave it.

Media Gender-Bias

Seed Newsvine

Referennce to:

NBC News


My Comment

If the genders were reversed in the women preventing a driver to park and assaulting the driver, the headlines would be different. Let’s follow the sequence that was reported in reverse. A woman decides that nobody can park unless her boyfriend is assured the spot, but the boy friend is not there with the vehicle.

She stands abstruding proper use of the parking lot, to reserve it for her boyfriend. Another driver arrives and wants to park; but the women without any right or authority tries to stop the rightful driver-by-time of arrival from parking.

It appears that, they argue and she violently assaults him leaving him marks--according to is lawyer.  In reaction he punches her leaving her unconscious.   He is still probably under the shock of what happens and goes home.  He gets arrested, but the women who started aggression is made the victim.  Typical American a mantra "poor woman."  

Women are used beat and kill men and then get away with it; so, when a man defends himself from women, it is called agression.   When are the feminists going to follow the golden rule?  Never, as long as our laws are biased against the male gender.

The law of violence says that the person who starts violence deserves to get beat.  If she started the fight; she got what any other aggressor gets.

We can see the media spinning for feminism. That is the core of the problem, media-bias and corrupted courts supporting women’s violence. In this case, if the gender would have been reversed, the media would be hailing the woman as a hero for defending herself. But, In this case, the man defending himself is seen as the aggressor. Oscar Fuller will not get a fair trial on this because he is a man.