A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Home schooling - tax

About time! The school unions and the liberals will continue to oppose home schooling because of two reasons.

First, their jobs are on the line—less growth/promotions and smaller schools; not mentioning the hidden agendas that will not be drilled into the children of those paying the teachers’ salaries.


It looks bad for teachers. After talking to parents who home thought their children, it was revealed that many home-taught children pass their high school exams with the average of about one year ahead of conventional education.

The institutions opposes it too.

There is a more at stake than meets the eye. The debate of free-writing with its peripheral fallout comes to the open. The institution will lose its control of conditioning the citizens; the scholars are divided on this, according to research.

Keywords: Home schooling, Institution, Freewriting, Public schools


Finch “would not drink DC’s tap water”. How about the rest of America? What has Honorable Finch done or proposed to be done to make possible for similar conditions for the Americans who are paying his salary. Water is all that many of us can afford to drink. Thank you Sir. You have demonstrated a perfect example of how classism works.

Forget the electoral-college. We demand direct vote to get them rascals to work for a living. “We, the people” need a greater say in our laws.

When our country was organized, representation was the best kind of government. Now with high-tech, we can be present via the web to create laws of the people for the people by the people. Let’s change it now!




Keywords: Blog, Finch, classism, government, electoral-college, vote.