A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mitt Romney and the Anti-Mormon Clowns

It is appalling for a published writer such as Ross Douthat to publish a piece based on a very successful man while the writing’s tone is “Weirdness”. The tone seems very weird in itself. Weird people are normally off the mainstream of society; but, Mitt Romney appears to be a model that most people would like to emulate.

He is a Harvard graduate, he has built a successful business and he has a successful family. Such qualities are the model success dream envied by most people. These accomplishments are in parallel with a logical thinking process. So, the controversy on the article makes itself “weird”, or perhaps the writer being the “weird one”.

So, let’s play by Douthat’s tone about Romney’s, religion, which seems to be where the writer wanted to focus on without needing to know about what the LDS Church is about. Without the need to read the Book of Mormon or knowing about the LDS Church, we all know in general that the LDS church focus on self-discipline—a desirable quality, it focus on kindness--another desirable quality, it focus on self-reliance—another desirable quality, it focus on being industrious—another desirable-quality, and it focus on the future—eternal salvation.

If Douthat considers these qualities “weird”, than the writer should set an appointment with a good psychologist, and take the advice that would come.
Seems, whoever, that like most anxiety writers, Mr. Douthat was trying to attack LDS Church; but, by either lack of knowledge or without the desire to research, he chose Mitt Romney as the scape goat.

Perhaps Mr. Douthat should research religion in general; yes, from the over 5,000 religions today, he could focus on the predominant American faiths and check it out. To do that would take time, but if Douthat would do the research, his writing would have an intelligent sound.

He would find that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, contrary to popular religions, it is merely following the entire bible, while religions-for-profit focus on self-justification. Mormons preach for the love of God, rather than self-gain.

Such qualities from the LDS church is precisely what America needs at this time of disarray.

Mtt Romney would bring integrity to the White House—something on high demand now. So, if Mitt would bring his ‘Mormon’ values to our government, could that hurt the US in any way? On the contrary, being industrious, self-reliant, and being successful with integrity, with kindness and sharing is precisely what we need in our leaders.

Though, I don’t support Mitt Romney, Romney, thus far Mitt appears to
be the best candidate we have to bring confident to our government and to lead the country into prosperity with integrity.

So, Keeping still with Douthat’s tone, where is the “weirdness”? If anyone knows Mr. Ross Douthat, personally, please give him hand; try to persuade him into a good psychologist. That way, his next article will be toned on fact and integrity.