A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lightning-Rod Palin

Appears that Sarah Lightning-rod Palin has a natural way into self destruction. Firs all appeared OK; she was for the Washington outsiders. We all loved the idea. Then as she started to get more exposure she started on the path to self diving by the mouth. Perhaps Ms. Lighting–rod should stat to think and be aware of her opponents. The big blubber was expressing extremist or overreaction by her paralleling Assange to Bin Laden. Assange is viewed by many in the US and across the globe as a hero journalist. That reflected impulse-not presidential material.

Then she had gaffes on some of her statements. That gives the appearance of incompetence. Even though other politicians have had plenty of the same too. Now, the attraction was to Lightening-rod again 'blood libel'. However, this time she is the real victim. For, it appears that Palin was using the same words as Professor Glenn Reynolds 'blood libel.' However, Palin used the words perhaps too close to real blood; and her enemies had a field day. Let Sarah alone, she can do plenty of self destruction, she does not need liberals to help her.




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LEAKS -Tweet-Subpoena

Could the tweets help with the 9/11 theory.

According to today’s CBS News’ video, the US Government subpoenaed Twitter’s WikiLeaks postings। The question is: Is our government looking for the truth, or is it looking for reasons to destroy the first amendment. If the government is in good faith, perhaps they will also look for evidence that WikiLeaks may have about 9/11 cover-up theory Would it be possible that on those twits they could find answers to Jesse Ventura’s theory about the great conspiracy 9/11 pentagon/

I had heard about the theory from a few different people, but my naïveness about the US government lead me to take that info as anti-American propaganda. That is until I came across Jesse Ventura’s video (Ventura is a former Minnesota Governor), thus I did watch the video, and it made me a believer on the conspiracy theory. I had never herd about the third building of WTC Towers’. The 40 story building coming down, was never mentioned in the news that I saw. It came down is seven seconds for no apparent reason after the towers came down.

Let’s us contact our Congress-reps and have them search. We need to have both the truth and peace within ourselves. The theory video 9/11 Pentagon Conspiracy www.trutv.com/video/conspiracy-theory/pentagon-conspiracy.html

Not fair: Sarah Palin

Not fair: Sarah Palin may have been and extremist when she indirectly called for Assange’s assassination. However the media can not attribute Arizona’s incident to Palin unless they also credit Palin for deterring crime when law-abiding citizens protect themselves. The liberals can not have it both ways. Where was the editor?