A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Lion is wonded

Seed Newsvine
The Telegraph   UK
Almost one in eight people living in UK are born abroad
Almost one in eight people living in the UK are now foreign born after hitting record levels in the wake of the largest wave of immigration in history.
My Comment

The neighborhoods are changing, and then the schools needs to anglicise the immigrants’ children, otherwise the British culture would have a painful culture shock.  However, that change in culture will indeed occur; but gradually, like bleeding to death one drop at a time with constant loss of life.

The menus on the corner restaurant will change.  It will become somewhat fascinating to try that tasty dish from the immigrant’s tradition.  Will the Brits at this point realize that they are Brits in location only? Or will they realize that Britain will be a simple geographical location with a modified lexicon, and with a modified syntax approach to everyday communication.

Just like a crack-addict craving the fix, the Brits like immigrants; but, they see a change coming where their grandchildren will find that lower class influence as something desirable.  However, there is a grater evil behind such British pain.  It is called capitalism. 

Them immigrants do cost the system; but, the system is paid by taxes from the general population, while the financial benefits from immigrants go to stocks and other profits of real estate agents, and banks with new mortgages, and the merchants.  Each immigrant will buy more clothes, and buy more home appliances, and buy other merchandize that makes the economy tic.  Like Georg Bush said when the US economy was slowing down:  “Do your Christmas shopping and the economy will go up.”

Now, might be the time that Patrick Colquhoun’s theory of 1806 might even be considered.  Otherwise, even the Queen’s great grand-children could end-up being attracted to the veil, or even ware a burka.  The tunnel accident sure took a lot of that fear off.   

Now that the lion has allowed the camel, and the bare, and the eagle, and other creatures to raise their offspring on the lion’s den, it is starting to be pretty uncomfortable.  After all, reality shows that the greatest Empire ever on the planet, the Great Colonizer is being colonized by its former subjects. 

Money has a price to be earned; but in capitalism what counts is more and more control.  The ball keeps on rolling and the Brits have to decide whether Britain will lose its identity, or separate from the EU and become the desirable island that it has been for near half millennium.

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