A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Feminism’s Example of Hate, Rather Than Reason.


How I Escaped the "Biblical Family Values" Nightmare That Drives Perry, Bachmann, and Tea Party Politics


How one woman got out of the Quiverfull movement where she homebirthed, homeschooled, home-churched and faithfully submitted to her husband.


Vyckie Gerrison appears to have a perpetual see-saw complex where her dreams have been to by “royal”, yet claiming to be the victim. Royalty expect servants and being above the law—her dream—as repeated on her article. Vyckie’s irony appears evident that like the feminist movemnt Vyckie is not searching for peace, nor is she searching for reason, but rather she is searching for a place to fit. That is not a leadership quality.

Vyckie’s disdain of the family since she was a youth, appears according to her own words as having stayed with her all her life. Most people grow as they age. Yet, Vyckie is trying to justify a common adolescent feeling of rebellion that led her to be a runaway rather than a participant to change the situation, and she has not stopped.

It is amazing, that all Vickies decisions are justified on her words. Appears also that instead of studying the bible, Vyckie found another place to fit and be happy. Professional religions are just that, for profit, and mostly of what they teach is to support the core rather than the people.

Appears also that Vyckie did not read the entire bible. For, if she had read and understood the bible, Vyckie would find in it that that both men and women—husbands and wives are to treat eah other equally, each with mutual respect and love for the other. As a result of following those who appeared to provide her with that place to fit, Vyckie appeared to have gotten trapped; thus she responded with her instinct of rebellion and condemning God’d work, which is hard to find, and it is abused by most religions.

Knowing that the human society will end on this planet, as soon as men and women will separate from each other, Vyckie failed to try to help the cause of humanity by first, knowing what is on the bible; and second, by trying to work with those whom she considers her oppressors--“men”. For, any wise person’s advise is to educate and negotiate, to achieve the optimum goal from any situation. For, fighting ends-up destroying both fighters; as it will happen if males and females will separate permanently.

It is honorable that Vyckie is tring to help others; yet all she is doing is destroying the family as humans. In the bottom, Vyckie is just finding another place to fit, and she is continuing as she did at 15, running away instead of participating in reasoning. The feminist movement is her heaven, for all that feminists do is bashing men; thus satisfying her hate instincts.

Vyckie’s really pain will start when Vyckie will see her male children--if she has any, being abused by their wives or girlfriends, as feminists are experts at; while the law is being run by bigots who favor women in court.

It would help Vyckei to research family violence and the statistics that come from those professionals—male and female alike. It would also help Vyckie to read the bible alone in a neutral mode, and add the points of God’s love for both men and woman. If Vyckiey will do that, she will find that the Patriarchs whom she hates, at times were told by God to give heed to their wives, and at times the wives were told to listen to their husbands.

Therefore, where is the problem about the patriarchal order, implied by Vyckie; if both husband and wife are to listen to each other, as found in the bible? Nevertheless, it is easier for Vyckie to find a place as a feminist, because in feminism, Vyckie Garrison will find satisfaction and supremacy in her dream of Royalty.