A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Israel giving-up East Jerusalem, must be a Russian joke.

The only serious appearance about the Russian president’s help, is the fact that Medvedev was there in person. The rest appears to be over-obvious formality.

First, East Jerusalem is firm on Israel’s hand, and they will never let go—only fools would. Second, the fact that the meeting involved Russina interests on Jordan’s oil, proves that the meeting was not about peace; rather it was about oil—“memorandum”. Third, in the picture, the very posture of Medvedev, appeared not serious. The president is not even at attention like his counterpart.

As a president of a great nation, it is almost guaranteed that Medvedev knows how to address color-guard, especially when pictures are taken—of course he was the guest.
Perhaps there is a subliminal message about all of this. Russia’s over-suggesting may be the very clue hinting that the formal political visit was not about peace.

Republicans replacing Democrats against freedom.

While using the typical euphemism to deceive the public, Republicans are doing precisely what they have been accusing the Democrats of—forcing their will on the citizens. The Republicans forcing the poor to buy insurance is another ploy to help the capitalist sector with more revenue at the expense of the desperate.

Have the republicans ever consider why the poor have no insurance? No, they have note. Rich people have no idea about how it is to be poor. Ironically, the so called social safe-net programs only work for those who have nothing or are good with fraud.

The person who is working and is trying to keep a house, are those who will be ripped by Romnism. Mitt Romney forced MA citizens to buy health insurance. Did all the poor in Massachusetts buy health care. Well, those who already had a tight budget, got it tighter by the Mitt Romney’s concept. Because, the euphemism called incentives means that those who did not have enough to buy health insurance because of the punishment trickery designed into the project.

Those in poverty, already have health insurance from government programs. It is those who try to be off the welfare system that get punished by Romnism. The money that would normally keep the house barely warm and the milk on the table will be going to the banking account of insurance companies. Poor people not in welfare have to choose; otherwise they loose their property-homes to taxes.

If Mitt Romney was serious about helping the people, he would have proposed something in the area of having doctors who get mega federal help in education to return some percentage of the time in the form of free or reduced services to the poor. The same could be done with the pharmaceutical companies with research.

Giving back something back is not a sin or a crime. It is a duty. However, a program like that would not bring more money to the capitalist-vultures. It would not bring up the stock market either. It would just help the citizens—Not a capitalist goal. Unfortunately, Romnism
Is synonymous with Sovietism or forced communism, where the government ruled by forcing the people into whatever pleased the tyrants. Romnism is un-American.

If the GOP is bringing this up knowingly that they can not override the veto, they the Republicans are simply misusing their time and our money to show that they can. We will vote again.