A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Marriage is a sacred contract with a purpose


From: NY Times
Robertson Stirs Passions With Suggestion to Divorce an Alzheimer’s Patient

Published: September 16, 2011

My Take

Marriage for convenience is one of the most shameful of all acts in Christianity. When two people make a contract, each party depends on the honesty of the other—it is based on trust; Mr. Robertson’s advice on marriage should not be different.

However, now, marriage has become a burden to a man who seems to claim following Christ, but who is trying to be running away from his test. Christ did not say that to follow Him would be pleasant; rather he said: “Take you cross and follow me.” We are in this world to prove who we really are.

Robertson’s response to a man in grief was not about faith. It sounded more about being faithful when convenience is present. Now, how about the sic wife, who will care for her—a nursing home? One has to talk to nursing-home workers before such statement. Was not the agreement “ … for better or for worse, in sickness or health …? That sic spouse’s relatives should considering suing the husband, for breach of contract if that divorce materializes.

Where is the love that the sic spouse needs at this critical time? Love is not there from that Husband. The agreement is biding. But surprisingly, the advice comes from a man who has used the name of Jesus Christ as if he was a true believer. Mr. Robertson has not read Ephesians 5:25, or if he did he is neglecting it. Nor has he read Mathew 19:8-9, where Jesus states that divorce was not from the beginning --not to occur unless because adultery.

Some of the article’s comments support the healthy spouse to be able to remarry to go on with their happiness. If such happiness [selfishness] is essential to go on, does it mean discard ing the sick spouse? That means that the ultimate reason for marriage is being disregarded--unity.

Yes, it touches the case of multiple spouses, but if extended marriage was part of the agreement there is no problem. For, unfortunately open marriages are on the rise, though secretly; but at times implied, if it comes from the Hollywood crowd. However, if such agreement is made in soberness, it should be to the greatest happiness for each. Nonetheless, disposing of a sick spouse like disposing of a worn-out pencil, is being unchristian; and Christ advised for one-spouse marriage.

Now, is the time for Christians to prove on what side each person is on. Nevertheless, Jesus stated: “By their fruits you shall know them”. Robertson’s advice also raises another question: Are these tell-evangelists preaching to save souls as Christ focused on—eternal life, or are they a bunch of capitalists cashing in on convenience to please the audience, and to get more followers and thus, getting more money; and getting glory on the eyes of the world?

Any true religion follows the entire bible with focus on being Christ-like, rather than focusing on lustful material conveniences.

How Christ-like would it have been if Robertson would have advised the tormented man to pray and ask God for guidance, and ask to be able to love his wife, and be able to go on with life. That would be the ultimate test of true love, and following Christ.