A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Set Gadhafi Free

Seed Newsvine

The US and Britain are mistaken about the 112 missiles.  That is a shame.  Let Gadhafi is be happy, 122 missiles is an insult.  Where are the other 159 reminder missiles to make 270.  One-for-one is Gadhafi’s law.  This is to spare the Libyan people. 

What did take Obama so long?  

Please don’t kill Gadhafi, send him to Lockerbie to the presence of each of the American and British families of whose relatives died from Gadhafi’s terrorism. Let’s have a party at the Pan Am site with Gadhafi being the guest.  

And then, set him free.  Drop him from 20,000 thousand feet, without a shoot.     

About Brazilian anti American leftist demonstrators

Seed Newsvine


My Comment

The left wing Brazilians are a minority of left-over communists or pro-communists. Their anti-US hate shows them as being concerned about the US buying Brazilian-oil, but they have not complained about Petro-Bras exploring in the US-Golf off Louisiana.

We should excuse their ignorance. Most of these pro-communists are in the same mentality and knowledge that they had when the USSR was supporting them.

School Encouraging Bullying

Seed Newsvine

The school suspending Casey for his self-defense is showing that the school tolerates and encourages bullying. For, all the suspension says is that the victim will get punished for self-defense. Thus, the bullies are encouraged to bullying by knowing that their victims will get victimized twice, if they defend themselves.

The Bottom line is classism. The school’s action shows it clearly. The victim appears to be an overweight or obese boy (Casey) who was punched, and more was coming, according to the video. The victims of bullying are normally the poor, the less attractive, the less successful, the immigrants, the new comers, minorities, and even homosexuals; those out of the arrogants’ circles. The school’s actions appear to confirm the bias system.

It all comes to the bottom line. The least important become the victims. The school system supports exclusion by indirectly supporting bias. According to the news, bullying and fights are routine in this school.

Casey’s family should sue the school for neglect and for lack of proper supervision.