A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Men-Bias victims Combating Prejudice

Seed Newsvine

Prejudice is the basic weapon of racism, classism, and ideology. Just about everyone is a victim of some form of prejudice. Prejudice exists because the victims normally are those who are at some form of disadvantage, therefore allowing the disease to continue.

The reason why the epidemic of prejudice exists, is because the victim normally only sees what he or she can loose if he or she fights the abusers—normally coworkers or colleagues. Abuse by prejudice is many times part of a plan to exclude others. However, sometimes bias is done a form of teasing. Sometimes the exclusion has noting to do with hate; rather, it is use as a tool to keep convenience within a certain group.

We can see it in academic and IQ testing. Mostly, the reason for testing is to exclude, based on the overflow of candidates. However, those who know about such tests, can get special courses and preparation to pass such tests—the poor are excluded unless a scholarship is available. And then comes the culture differences that puts many at a disadvantage.

In some areas of testing, the test is based on cultural knowledge; thus, excluding people of “other ethnicities,” such as Afro-Americans and Latinos. However other forms of prejudice are closer to each one of us. The wave most obvious is the gender bias. In half a century, the pendulum has swung from women being the victims, to women being the oppressors; with the feminist movement being the culprit.

It is wise to be aware of feminists. Though feminism was architected to empower suffering women, the feminists’ goal is to neutralizing men. Ironically, a great number of feminists are men—those kind of humans who go to extremes to be with the wining crowd, despite what the standards are. Just like Nazism, and racism, feminism has no borders, only one goal-supremacy.

The pushers of gender bias or feminism, are the big business, who appeal to the majority. Woman, normally have not been decimated in the battlefield or on doing dangerous work trying to provide for the family. So, business cater to women on the most pleasing way, pretend to have pity on women; actually, it is the money that counts.

Until the 1960s, women were portrayed by Hollywood as the insignificant beings, and that was wrong. The feminist movement, like the Mafia and the KKK started as a good cause to protect women. But, like the Mafia and the KKK, the feminist movement also has become and extremist group.

Like the Mafia and the KKK, feminism has infiltrating all possible segments of society and government at the international level. In our own government, the clear point is in the judicial area of divorce and child custody. The woman normally gets the children, regardless if the mom is the abuser or not.

Of course, in court all comes with justification; just like in the old Soviet Union there was a reason for prosecution. Sometimes, even when the accused man is innocent, and the man has proved no being the father, the court forced the man to pay hefty chills support for somebody else’s child. American justice—under feminist control.

Worse yet is that such court decisions could have long term implications because the American court system is based on precedents. They judge a case based on similar cases.
So, could the feminism wave be a way to implant socialism in the USA? I would not be surprised if some lawyer would not use the same cases about child support A parallel could me made by claiming that if someone poor was robed near a rich person, than the rich person should make restitution while being innocent of theft. That is the same rationale.

The good side of the problem is that in the United States of America, we can still vote, and we can normally talk about oppression. Therefore, men and man, talk about it. Open your eyes observe who is being prejudice; and then, express your concern. Ironically, expressing opposition even under difficult conditions is part of feminist teaching.

Look at the advertisement in newspapers, and in magazines, and in TV, and in other visual or audio media and films. Use the simple rule: would they display or say the same about both men and women? If they would not display or say the same about a women, than your perception of bias is correct. Avoid buying products advertised with anti-men bias. Avoid patronizing their brand names and their affiliates.

Who are feminists? Just look around yourself. A feminist can be anyone regardless of gender; your lawyer, you political representative, your university professor, the people advertising to you, your talk-show host, your favorite writer or editor, your preacher, or even your doctor, or your neighborhood police officer.

A few years ago, upon visiting the local police station in my former town of 6,000, I noticed on the poster board a pamphlet from Motorola. That poster was full of compassion on women, how women should be helped. My blood boiled, for men were implied as being the aggressors. Since I (a male) was a victim of physical and verbal domestic abuse, I confronted the police dispatcher about such bigotry and anti –family bias.

Two weeks latter, I revisited the station. Even though, I never caught the culprit leaving messages on my phone answering machine, I did notice that the anti-family poster from Motorola had been removed. I took heed to tell all I could about such poster and its sponsor. I still don’t buy Motorola products under any circumstance.

Open your mouths, men open your mouths, you will notice that you have lots of company. There are men giving up on life because they think that their problem is unique. Be honest and be polite, be educated, read as much as you can; and read between the lines—see what is omitted and or what is implied.

Writing is an art, and writers especially career writers, know how to manipulate the readers’ minds, even when the message is negative. Remember the feminist philosophy “It is in word-playing.” You need to know your adversary, to survive.

Write to your government officials. Nicely and briefly tell them how you feel. Remember, took the Afro-Americans one century after the Civil-War and their freedom being grated to them in paper, before Black and Whites got parity. Finally, we do have a voted US President with some Afro-American ethnicity blood and physical features; nobody thought it possible a few decades ago. Oppose anti-male prejudice for your children; otherwise, your children will be more victimized than we men are now in 2011.