A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sovietizing Our Public Schools.

Seed Newsvine


A Little Village Academy student cringes at an enchilada dish served at his school. Many students throw away their entrees uneaten and say they would rather bring food from home. The school, though, does not allow students to bring in their own lunches, unless they have a medical condition or a food allergy. (Monica Eng, Chicago Tribune / February 17, 2011)

Chicago school bans some lunches brought from home

To encourage healthful eating, Chicago school doesn't allow kids to bring lunches or certain snacks from home — and some parents, and many students, aren't fans of the policy
By Monica Eng and Joel Hood, Tribune reporters

3:42 a.m. CDT, April 11, 2011


My Comment

Did the Soviet Union ever force people to buy food? Never did hear of it. But in America people are forced to buy food from the school’s provider or go hungry. Now that is America. On the other hand, this could be a trial balloon by the system to see how far the people will take it. Immigrants normally take it all. I know it very well, I was there.
Did anyone investigate the principal for kickbacks? Even if that woman is being honest about forcing lunch buying, it is wrong. She knows who she is playing with. She is dealing with a great number of gringos, like I use to be. I also accepted all kinds of garbage, because I was not aware of my rights. This school appears to have a large population of Latinos. And Elsa Carmona in spite of her name is taking advantage of the lack of knowledge from the parents.
Yes, I too was taken advantage by former immigrants too. The trick is knowledge. Recent arrivals, don’t know their rights and this woman is taking advantage of the population. No salt she says, but has anyone checked? for: MSG or aspartame may be causing your headaches, stomach problems, depression, asthma, chronic fatigue, hyperactivity, or joint pain. How about food coloring?
Has the principal researched the garbage that comes in the name of preservatives and food enhancements? Schools don’t serve natural foods. This woman is a tyrant. After I as an Immigrant got so much oppression in the “land of free”, now I just go the schools and tell them overpaid principals how it works.
The last times I walked into a Principals office, I brought my research on hand, though I only made mention of it. I also told the nice principal that I intended to defend my child’s rights. Before I got home, my wife got a phone call from the principal declaring that my child could pass his Pascal cards mentioned “He has risen”. All 22 of my son’s classmates got the nice card that my son had chosen to share with his friends.
This time I was an educated Gringo, still with an accent when I get nervous, I knew my rights. And I was about to call the ACLU, or a private lawyer and sue the smiles off of the oppressors. These parents in Chicago just need to know their rights. These parents need to sue the principal for forcing their children to eat contaminated food with carcinogens. But the bottom line is: No school, nor any principal has the right to force people to buy their food. That is purely UNAMERICAN. It is a dictatorship. And this is happening in Obama’s backyard.