A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

About this Blog - PERSPECTIVE

My Perspective

Controversy is my favorite area in just about any topic, because dialog brings new perspectives and gives clues to possible questions to consider.  Appears however, that the topics most people avoid are the topics most appealing to me.

I turned to me father’s saying: “I do not live in the world to watch others.”  In other words, a person must do what that person sees to be correct, regardless of who may like it or who may dislike it.  I choose plan my destiny. 

Of course consequences often follow an individual’s choices but, that is what makes each person unique.  If we mold ourselves rather then allow society to mold us, we will accomplish the purpose of living.  Like each person on the planet, I am affected my surroundings.  Therefore, my perspectives in general develop according to my growth in knowledge.

With each obstacle that I overcame, I became a better person; thus, I am able to understand the point of those whom at times I criticize as well as those who criticize me.  I believe in principal rather than convenience.  Nevertheless, occasionally one must find a middle ground, until full facts are established; that is why updating information is essential for those of us who do think.