A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Liberty: The Mormon church and the media’s ‘cult’ box

Liberty: The Mormon church and the media’s ‘cult’ box: "http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/on-faith/post/the-mormon-church-and-the-medias-cult-box/2011/07/19/gIQAZgj9NI_blog.html?fb_ref=NetworkNe..."

Seed Newsvine

The Mormon church and the media’s ‘cult’ box

The Mormon church and the media’s ‘cult’ box

My Take

It is amazed, when society evolves and people get more educated and thus more reasonable, there are still some who either by bigotry or by ignorance are still falsely labeling the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-- LDS (Mormon) Church as a cult. That is precisely what the Pharisees did when Jesus exposed the truth, without self-gain.

Such accusers could appear more educated if they would only research the LDS church. Such finger pointers, would find that the LDS Church follows the bible entirely- both old and new testaments. On the contrary, professional religionists preach for profit. There is where they get into false accusations, there is a conflict of interest.

Normally, those who say that the LDS Church is cult, have not researched the LDS church. Such people normally quote other people. Also, the anti-LDS groups, need to oppose the LDS church to maintain their daily bread. For, the LDS preaching is done for the love of following Jesus’s Counsel and helping others to study and return to God, if they choose. On the opposite side, those who normally oppose the LDS church, are full of hate. They have nothing good to say.

At the same time while the LDS church remains a victim of hate since near two centuries ago, when Joseph Smith first told people that he had seen a vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ. The LDS Church helps even other faiths in times of need. They did so by helping others faiths rebuilding their houses of worship after WWII. When there are catastrophes The LDS church helps even non Christians.

The DLS church focus only on the good in others, such qualities are Christ-like. The answer remains on what Jesus said: “By their fruits who shall know them.” Unfortunately, the media many times focus on output rather than quality. That is why the media is still in the “box”.

It is Choice


The Lord Invites ALL to Come Unto Him (Haight)


My take

That puts the ball on your court. It is your move. But, there is a humbling word that is the key to be able to return to Him. It is called "repentance"; each of us needs to consider repenting. Than, the big question arises, repenting about what? Well, we can check the Lords, desires, and His commandments, to be able to know what to repent from. Thus, it comes to square one. Study the scriptures, change as you learn, and you will find yourself on the way to returning to God, through Jesus Christ. For, Jesus said: "No one comes to the Father but through me." It takes courage to return to God, but each one of us can do it, it is called change.