A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Sunday, July 31, 2011



If You Desire to Know the Truth (Hinckley)
Posted July 30, 2011

My Take
It is All Based on Deciding

Though, the message by Hinckley may appear as a dream or as a wish, it is not. I can testify to the simplicity of it. I mean simplicity. Having the desire to know the truth about what makes life being what it is. Also, having the desire to understand that from the material perspective it is impossible to learn about spirit. Such understanding is the key to understanding the spiritual answer that lies within each of us; but, can be reached only by following the simplicity of life like the prophets of old—focused on God.

My own experience sums to a few things mentioned by Hinckley. First, having the desire to know more. Second, being sincere about the intentions for searching. Third, being sincere to allow room for change as the evidence is discovered. Forth, being firm on the knowledge received. And, fifth, as it was said before by Hinckley, paraphrasing “The decision is only made once.” In other words, once a person decides on what the evidence a person gets from God, that stays firm.

All clues are in the bible. Evidence can be: On what made the prophets of old have access to God’s information. If we use the prophets of old as a measuring rod, then, we need to understand how those prophets lived.

Being ready to leave the material desires behind, is next on the line. Jesus Himself, had the same needs as we have. According to the Gospel he was a man like each of us—as I see it. But Jesus’ priorities were on doing the will of Him who sent Him—The Father. If we too try to do the will of God, we too can be like He was and is. Jesus said so.

There is not secret about it, there is only the desire. Once we have a sincere desire to be better that what we are, we automatically are able to see greater spiritual things. The path of growth continues until we allow ourselves to get entangled with negativity such as hate, lack of understand to forgive, and greed, and arrogance, and physical distractions such as lust. The change is called repentance—condemning the act, while knowing that Jesus already paid for it; and strive to avoid doing it again.

To be more specific, the rules is easy: Would I do it if I was in the presence of God?
Did the prophets or Jesus ever do this? Is it in the commandments? Or, like Jesus said in His greatest decision, “Not my will, Father, by thy will be done.” When we deny ourselves, we are ready to receive greater knowledge. And when we get it, we will also learn that greater knowledge is at hand. As Jesus said, “All that my Father has is theirs”.

I am not a prophet, nor claim to be. Rather, I am a sinner who has tried to learn; and I have made many changes on my life at great sacrifices in order to learn more about God. Such changes came as I learned about what a few things are in the bible, by studying it. Though I am a poor man, I feel peace within me, even in the face of worldly conditions as we all have to face. It is part our learning process, deciding based on what we have learned.