A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Whose Fault? WikiLeaks, Manning, or the Recuiter?

Seed Newsvine

Toronto Sun
By Peter Worthington ,QMI Agency
Worthington: Wikileaks no threat
As 2011 draws to a close, the issue of WikiLeaks disclosures remains to be resolved — a breach of trust to some, the right to know to others.



If WikiLeaks becomes shut, then the world governments will feel free to oppress humanity. Regardless of price, appears that the US Justice Department wants to save face. Also,
if they can get Assange into the US, they can instill fear on anyone who dares to think about spilling a US secret, while at the same time encourage freedom of the internet for others. Up to an extant the government appears to be correct. But the abuse of classifying everything as secret, keeps the public in the dark.

Assange didnot take an oath not did he serve in the US armed forces. If the US will prosecute Assange, they will be able to psychological cause fear on any foreign for doing anything that
might be deeming bad for the US, regardless of intent. While it is good for the US, it is bad for
freedom of speech.

It is little by little that freedom becomes extinct. As it is, we can’t talk freely inside an airport; we can’t mention bombs or weapons, or hijacking. If the newspaper says that, we can only read it silently. How much more freedom will governments take form their citizens?

Instead of using Israelis’ methods of terrorism control, the TSA has an iron fist in the
land of free, causing people to have the dilemma of being physically handle by TSA
thugs, or being bombarded with x-rays. They get our naked description for the perverts to laugh at, as it has been done.

Compared with Israel, we are going backward on freedom. If extremists hate any country, they hate Israel much more than the USA. Yet Israel uses civilized methods of controlling terrorist without taking people’s rights away. So, why aren’t we being civilized? Because we have been voting for idiots instead of honest politicians—there must be some honest politicians who can be people friendly.

The US has the capability of doing better. Punish those who take oaths, those who did not do their job. But, to punish those who advocate freedom is destroying the core of freedom.

For Manning to bring abuses into light was heroic, for even under the Genevea convention those with knowledge are responsible to report; but disclosing things unrelated to abuse, was betrayal to the oath he took, and he was doing the opposite of what he was getting paid for; to do his job, he cheated by releasing info unrelated to abuse.

But since Manning did volunteer for the army, seems that the recruiter might have done
his quarters. Manning might have been a victim of recruiting, where the victim is only told enough to sign in the line and commit. It is not uncommon for people enlisting in the military, and then find that they got sucked into a vacuum.

Perhaps the military should show more to recruits, instead of using psychology to get people
committed into something they regret when they see reality. But, with a nasty economy, and hunger versus being a soldier, what is there to choose, but believing an hiring professional trained to manipulate those anxious for stability.