A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

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After other presidents made careers at the White-House, and congress noticed the danger of dynasties in the presidency.  They passed a law restricting the presidency to two terms.  The Clintons had their two terms, now they want to wash the law and return to the White House. 

That is according to their words.  Hillary claims to have experience in the
White House.  She takes credit for the failed health care.  Isn’t that proof Bill was not the President by himself; rather, it proves that they were a team.  If Hillary would get elected, would they not be a team again.  After all, Bill is campaigning for her.

Dec 2010     Husband

Mr. Walker welcome to the real world: 
The feminists are at work-as usual.  If the man was the cheater, the prosecution would pound on him.  But, because the husband, dared to look at the unfaithful wife’s act as evidence.  The anti-men/anti-family mob tries to prosecute the man as much as possible.    That is in accord with tyrant wives beating and psychological abusing their husbands, and then those women go to curt and lie some more to get that child support.  Welcome to the real USA, it has not changed in 400 hundred years.  Sir, please fight for the truth, and open your mouth, talk about it.  You will find lots of men in your situation.  It is OK to suffer for the children; for, them divorced mothers poison the children against the father.  You will find the politicians the judicial system and the educational institutions, and churches against you-the husband.  I have been there. 

Dec 2010    Headine  

Misleading headline. 
Where did the editor get his or her degree.  The problem was not in the temple, according to the story.  It is grammar deficient; near is different from at (implying  ”in”).  Get an education buddy. Or, get a job that you know how to perform.

Man/domestic violence
CNN (posted)

As long as husbands are unconditionally obedient to their wives there should not be any violence.  From that prospective, when husbands are not fully psychological manipulatable or are not physical obedient, the husband gets beat; and if he fights back, the corrupt law defends the woman.  It is modern slavery. 

The author of this article has not made any research into domestic violence, otherwise the picture would be different.  Violence is also emotional abuse, something natural from women to enslave man.  Tony can marry my “ex”, she will teach him how it works.  Nevertheless, not all women are creeps just like not all men are not creeps.  There are many nice women, and may nice men. 

Seems like this guy wants to build a church.  For, it is the style now, pulpit bigotry against man.  The professional or influence-seeking preachers only read part of the scripture to justify their bias to enslave men.  Children are the ones that suffer, then such children become the new men haters.  The next revolution will be for the children and equal rights for both spouses.       


HofgtingPost (not posted -- login password difficulties)

It is good that Sara Palin now uses WikiLeakes documents after calling for Assange’s hunt like Al Qaeda’s.  She is showing her impulsive thinking capacity.  This woman wants to be President of the USA.  No thanks, we already have plenty of hypocrites.