A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Friday, May 13, 2011

About Anti-Communism

Response to a comment on FaceBook

Are you talking about communist? The problem with the so called communism is that it is dominated by atheist, and fascists, just like capitalism is. The problem is not the labeled party, rather the problem is the tyranny behind it classist rulers.

Remember that it was capitalism that made a run on American jobs.
It was the boys and girls behind the mahogany desks making millions of dollars, who took the jobs away from the American people. So they could make more millions at the expense of the lower class. Speaking for myself, I was the victim of five shut-downs plus downsizings due to jobs moving overseas.

On my last shut-down, there was a guy who had moved his family across country three times in the hope to secure a job. Hurray for capitalism—hahahahah…

Che Guevara was and is the hero of the Latinos. He was not a lower class ignorant like many of us, he was a doctor fighting against capitalism. So was Ho Chi-Men.
See, there are two great evils. One such evil is called Stalinism or Marxism, which is an excuse for oppression as it was in the Soviet Union.

Remember that Europe and the US supported dictators and oppressors using the same tactics as the Soviets did. The only difference is that the tyrants on the west supported capitalism.

As an example: Brazil’s oppression was not different from Cuba. But in the west we only heard about the oppression about in Cuba and in the Eastern-Block nations. Portugal’s tyranny was not different from any Eastern-Block nation. Yet we only heard on western journalism, how bad it was on the Soviet ideology, and the long lines at stores and banks.

That is only because it was convenient for our media to paint our tyrants as better than their tyrants. We all saw in the news about the long lines at the stores in the Soviet Union. The same news media could also say that it was like in Brazil where going to the bank is still an adventure.

First you wait in line for an hour or better to make an appointment to cash a check; and then, you wait another hour in line while—if you lucky, be moving from seat to seat until your number is called about an hour later. Should we say that the other evil is Sovietized Capitalism?

Waiting on lines; some people in Brazil know that they will be at least two hours in the bank to do their business. But it was never heard of the American media to talk about such lines; but we do hear about such lines about communist countries.

Communism is not bad, if it was bad Jesus would not want us to have things in common, as it was in the primitive Christian Church. Rather, what is bad is Marxism philosophy to use force as a means of equality—thievery.

It is the oppressors within the so called communist systems that make communism look bad. In the end, as long as any government is run by humans, such government will be corrupt. Whether it be communism or capitalism it is all the same. Marxism is an atheist machine; but so is capitalism.

Now, we cannot mention God in our schools. I had to fight to help my son pass cards about the resurrection of Christ in his class, yet eggs which is definitely a pagan ritual, is part of the school systems. So who is who? Who are the anti-God crowd? By euphemism the capitalists say “In God we trust”, while not allowing you to practice Christianity.

In communism countries,they are not bias about religion. They measure it all the same, because of so much corruption within the professional-false religions.

So, please don’t knock down other people’s trees without checking their fruit, and their roots; it is the same as your special tree.