A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Israel will not be distroyed this time.

From: Haaretz.com
Sun, September 11, 2011 Elul 12, 5771

Israel is paying for Gaza war with Turkey and Egypt crises
During that fateful Hanukkah, the Israel Defense Forces attacked failing to see that war on their televisions as people saw it in Istanbul and Cairo.
By Gideon Levy

My take

Israel will be destroyed, or will it?

Anyone reading the bible will say that Israel has the tendency of being self-destructible. Yet, each time Israel was destroyed, the Israelites had so much self confidence that they kept on repeating another cycle of predicted failure.

According to the bible, Israel’s problems only came after Israel adapted sinful traditions.

Anyone reading the bible and reading the news today can see that Israel is now more sinful than its enemies—the Muslims. Contrary to all its non-Jew neighbor nations, Israel has adapted what is forbidden in the bible—homosexuality as a common practice--homosexual marriage.

From the biblical viewpoint, we see that if Israel would stay within the perimeters set by its Creator—God, Israel would prosper, if they would deviate, they would be attacked. Sometimes there were scattered and taken captive. Well, history speaks for itself as recorded in the bible. It has happened time and time again.

As prophesied, Israel would be restored, and it was so. Gog and Magog also will be fighting against Israel. On an old map I saw, Gog was placed in modern Turkey—definitely a northern country. Turkey also is now on the league with Iran, an Iran with Syria. What a coincidence?

Am I reading too much into the bible? Well, I am just noticing the coincidence that after Israel officially adapter the homosexual agenda, Israel’s friends in the area started to hate Israel—Turkey and Egypt.

This is starting to be very interesting. Turkey has stated that its navy will patrol the southern seas, and Turkey is verbally all over Israel with threats. It has ousted Israel’s ambassador, and cancelled military treats. Egypt has burned Israel’s embassy.

However, if the scripture is being fulfilled, than Gog—Turkey better not attack Israel, because they will lose, according to the bible—the bible has been very accurate.

Since both Turkey and Israel are US allies, the US will not rush in helping Israel as it has done each time the Muslims have attacked Israel.

However, the Jewish nation can defend itself. During the last war with Egypt, Israel assembled around two hundred nuclear bombs, a newspaper said. But, that was near 40 years ago. One can only suppose that the stash has grown. So, Iran is using Turkey as its attacking dog, perhaps because Iran know that the Jews can outsmart them.