A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Friday, December 9, 2011

Iran's curse, disguised as a blessing

Seed Newsvine

Bloomburg Businesweek
Iran Shows Downed Spy Drone as U.S. Assesses Technology Loss


My take
Appears that Iran is doing pretty good on getting high technology; but these catches could cost them a bit more than they bargained for.

Lately a drone from Israel was missing or capture in Hezbollah territory, now the American cream from the pie drone RQ-170 appears to have fallen onto their hands. Well, now they can entice the Russians and the Chinese to protect them even more in the UN in exchange for a few pictures or dis-engineering the secret of secrets from US.

Well, if they have raw technology at the beginning of a war their chance to damage US interests or Israel is less than if the war will happen after they have the stealth knowledge.

So, seems like Iran might have won a battle, but such battle may lead them to lose the war by getting attacked sooner rather than late.