A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Enough alimony--no more laofing

In refernce to CNN's alimony reform in MA

About time that loafers have to start living like people. What happen to the bigots who passed the original law? This the tip of the iceberg. I have been hungry and cold to pay child support, even after some of my children were married or adults. One woman's lie in court is worth a stack of bibles. Part of the problem is governors’ staffing the courts with liberal women judges.

There is not a place in the area that I have not placed my resume to at some time. Once out of work and over 40, the snowball starts to roll. I am still severely behind. Hopefully things will change with better employment; I have been called for a job-interview soon.

Judges side with women rather than with the purpose of the law—especially women judges. Such women judges are simple overpaid bigots. My ex-contempt of court in tax returns allowances was not considered by the woman judging in my case.

I had to pay the fines because of her cheating on the tax forms, thus causing me to lose returns and pay fines because she had already claimed my court decreed dependents—this happened for about ten years.

I may even get arrested because I have not been properly employed; thus severely behind in payments. However, she kept one premise, that is: “If I thought she was not nice, I would have to wait until de divorce to find out how bad she was.” She kept that part of her word.

We need to vote for real people, rather than for clowns as our reps and congressman; and political party does not mean anything—feminism does.