A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Bible is Clear About Sex and /sexual-misuse.

In reference to Blasphemy:
by Paul Oestreicher (from alternet.org) April 23, 2012 "Was Jesus Gay? Probably The evidence that he may have been what we today call gay is very strong. But even gay rights campaigners in the church have been reluctant to suggest it."



To those who have not studied the bible, Paul Oestreicher may be able to appear with a valid argument.  However, to those who have read the bible, for decades, the picture is clear: Either Mr. Oestrecheicher intentionally wants to mislead his readers, or he does not remember what is on the bible—if he actually has read it. Intension seems more evident.

There have been those across the ages who want only certain parts to the bible to stand. They want the bible to justify their chosen life-style.  That would be like us wanting just certain parts of the US Constitution to stand; than we could all have machineguns and bombs, and militias. We all know better than that; just like our US Constitution, the bible has to be taken as a whole.

The word “love” in the bible is taken as total-respect, and total-devotion, and voidness of evil: “Love thy neighbor”, “Love God”, Love one another”.

One example is clear, while Peter told Jesus that he could die for Jesus, when the pressure came, Peter denied Jesus three times. So, if the bible mentions that Jesus loved John more than the others, it is because John did not have fear. That can be seen when Peter and John ran to the tomb, Peter stayed at the door, while John went inside the tomb.

We can see that the others were not as devoted to Jesus’ cause. And Jesus said that He came to do His Father’s work—devotion to the cause of God. Thomas at first did not believe that Jesus had resurrected. Do we have a clue of lack of love and dedication. We can see that the others were not as devoted to Jesus’ cause. And Jesus said that He came to so His Father’s work—devotion to the cause of God.

Another clue: The apostles strictly advised the new members to stay away from “fornication, and away from sex with those of the same kind (homosexuality)” The bible stated that false churches would come. Are those who mix the teaching of Christ with sinful activity the fasle churches? That is what the Catholic Church did when they mixed paganism with Christianity—325 AD.

Now, which part to the bible doesn’t Mr. Oestreicher understand, or has not yet read?

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