A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Monday, January 24, 2011

Don’t Cry

Seed Newsvine

Crying won’t help
It has been proven
They want your scalp
They are interwoven.

Grinding and grinding…
The mood goes around
As if natural slimming
To bring you down.

They have the law
And all else too
As if without flaw
They know how to…

Don’t, don’t cry!
Forget the honey and pie
They don’t care why,
They just laugh and lie.

The truth means nothing
To justify the mood
When they want something
They are gentle and smooth.

Don’t cry, don’t cry!
For a man can’t fly,
Men can’t ask why.
Hope’s above the sky.

At all times keep reverence,
Prayer makes a difference,
And God knows innocence.
Behave, as if in God’s presence.

By DFF Leonardo - 2006

Women more sick days:

The Telegraph UK
Mon, Jan 24, 2011

Women more likely to take sickies

Women are more likely than men to take sick days and are happier to give an embarrassing excuse for taking unplanned leave, according to a new survey.

My comment

Who wrote that? That article is anti feminist. Just a few months ago at a university setting a woman commented that women were harder workers than man, that is why they live longer. It was not mentioned that the gender death gap is closing.

Now someone has the courage to post statistics to show that women tend to sleaze more than men. That is not fair. It keeps on adding that women are just like men –better in some ways and worse in other ways.

And than, they topped it with “And women were less likely than men to believe a colleague who phoned in sick was genuinely ill.” In this case women are being better judges; for, they know themselves.

And then, the author had the audacity to tally women’s lam excuses to have a day off.

Shame on the author. That is lacking in dishonesty, not being clever enough to invert the data to make women look good. Manipulating the facts to favor women is what is done in American courts when a divorce is heard, and in the median, and even in church. Of course In Britain, you folks may be more honest when comes to gender.

To the author:
Remember this, for your success in being published in America. First, make women look good—always. Second, knock down men as often as you can. Third, does not matter what happens, woman are always the victim, or perhaps emotionally distressed—because of men of course. Forth, and above all, because she needed to.

Hypnosis is nothing new, and it works.

Like capitalism, and socialism, and communism, hypnotism is a form of conditioning people at the subconscious level. However, contrary to the above isms, hypnotism is mostly used at the individual’s request for the purpose of therapy and other health purposes, or by curiosity in entertainment settings; and it also used in other areas less noticeable.

Hypnosis has been used for centuries in minute areas of mental activity. Presently, the people using or studying hypnotism, range from physicians and psychologists to therapists and detectives and entertainers.

Like the medical and education professions, and any other business, hypnotism is used both as a source of revenue by professionals, as it is used as a benefit to the recipients. There are however, situations where hypnosis techniques or forms of mild hypnosis are used without the individual being aware of it.

These mild forms, range from some methods of relaxation to advertisement, and educational class management, and teaching techniques. Mild hypnosis sometimes is a natural stage that each person goes through. In these situations, normally the individual is not aware of it; and identifies the situation as not paying attention of whatever was in perspective.

Unfortunately, like in ay other area there are those who exploit the hypnotic phenomenon for what is not being used in general. Hypnosis is exploited by the practitioners as well as by criminals.
Certified professionals some times use hypnotic techniques to help clients, but the practice in general has been allowing religion to mix with and even confuse clients. Criminals used hypnotic strategies in helping them to achieve heir means; this is a minute use of hypnosis.

The most common use of hypnosis is “behavior modification” such as stop smoking, changing habits, and relaxation. As a peripheral technique, hypnosis is used by psychologists, physicians, and people in the medical profession, and others. The sensationalized aspect of hypnosis or “demonstrational hypnosis” is commonly known as stage hypnosis or hypnotics shows.

Hypnosis is beneficial and it is a scale that everyone can and should know how to do for personal use. The fact that people say that Hypnosis does nor work is because it is not used properly. As a former certified hypnotherapist, I saw the positive results of people changing their personality to what they planned to be or do. Such as reducing grass smoking, and tyrant supervisory attitudes.

This is the first of a few article that I will write and post probably in a weekly basis. It would not be fair to go into detail because of the length or reading.