A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Seed Newsvine
Mom drives van into Hudson, killing self, 3 kids

Associated Press

 My Comment

She succeeded in having the father never seeing the kids again. Could she dot it legally?  “ She said she was trying to get a court order so he could never see the kids again."
Even though more moms are killing the children, the courts still give mothers physical custody. Something is wrong with the system.  Yea, women have PAC groups and man don’t.   Meanwhile, the children suffer or die.
Almost like Suzan Smith, but Suzan tried to blame others, even though it did not work.

Women perverts or victims of porn at 17% addicted, with 60% as viewers?

Seed Newsvine
·  Tanith Carey
· Thursday 7 April 2011 21.00 BST
Guardian   UK
Why more and more women are using pornography
 My Comment

Every time a man sees pornography, everyone points the finger and say “pervert”.   Now, women are proven to be in the same situation; but, women are shown as victims again.  
Let’s face it, now women are proven that females are just as dirty old women as there are dirty old men.  However, the author threads the article with soft shoes, avoiding the fact that women are just as good and just as bad and just as clean and just as filthy as men.   

The author even mentions women as helpless “So women may find their body is saying yes, even though their mind may be saying no – and that can be upsetting."   Well, how apologetic for women.   Don’t men have the same feelings? Men feel the same way, but those who hate fathers or hate husbands or hate men as a gender, treat the pornography problem as being part of men’s evilness.  

Most likely, Tanith Carey would not write an article with the same tone about men?   It would be very interesting to see that? Perhaps she will.

Carey article destroys the feminists’ philosophy that women are innocent, and that women are the victims of everything, while men are bad.  Worse yet, the author did not even mention men as users of pornography having the same weaknesses.  Therefore since woman in the article are treated as victims and men are assumed as casually, men may be treated as having a natural problem, while for women appears to be phenomena.  Could this be an accident? or could this be a well-crafted piece of liberal writing.

However we must give Carey credit for bringing up the topic.  Now, this article also puts the religiofeminists off balance.  For, the professional evangelists portray woman as pure and men as evil, they cater to the numbers.  However, Carey’s article discloses that over 60 percent of woman admit viewing pornography, while 17 percent area addicted.  I am sure the bias crowd will come up with some emotional excuse appealing to women in maintaining themselves as the “protectors of women”.

Even when I associated with perverts, any knowledge of self-interaction with pornography was seen as sickness, as excessive; that was how the guys saw in it.  Could it be that woman are going farther in pornography than men?  Since woman use pornography as an active stimulus, thus participating in the acts while in their own privacy, woman are outdoing man.  
Either way pornography is a problem that should be addressed equally as a social problem rather than a gender issue.  By the way, lots of pornography is not done nor directed by men, rather it is women taking advantage of other women.   It is status, position, influence and more bluntly classism.