A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Friday, April 8, 2011

Abortion’s Euphemism and Harry Reid

Seed Newsvine
 Reference to:
April 8, 2011 11:35 AM
Planned Parenthood fight: What does it mean for women's health?
Posted by David W Freeman, Neil Katz -----------------------------------------------------------

My Comment:
Abortion’s, euphemism is “woman’s health care, reproductive care” and any other words to make it sound that abortion is not killing a defenseless baby.   Pregnancy by force, or baby deformation, or mom’s physical health is justifiable.  However, the majority of abortions are done for convenience of gender preference, or economical comfort, or just “I don’t feel like not having the baby now”. 

Shame on CBS' editors, for allowing so much euphemism instead of truthful words.  Shame on Harry Reid for lying “This all deals with women's health.”  Harry Ready is getting as bad as the article’s authors on euphemism; but, Reid is a politician, that is all we can expect.  Could it be that Senator Reid as well as David W Freeman, Neil Katz do not know about Planned Parenthood’s orchestrating with our public school system are destroying our families. 

Your local school nurse refers your daughter of any age to Planned Parenthood, when your tender age daughter thinks she is pregnant.  And then, without you ever dreaming about it.  your young daughter, by Planned Parenthood gets a court’s parental-override consent for an abortion.  Planned Parenthood may even take your young daughter out of state for that abortion that you never know about.

By your public school’s cooperation and Planned Parenthood’s money (your tax dollars), your daughter aborts your grandchild, while you think your daughter is still a virgin.  When that student-girl becomes and adult and learns that by the third month the baby is completely formed, and it is not just a blob of tissue as she was had been told, that is when the emotions start to have tool.  By then, neither Planned Parenthood, nor the hit-doctor, nor the public school will help your daughter emotionally. 
They all got their money via salary, or grants, or fees.  And they could not care less what happens after.  It is you that will take the burden, if you are lucky.

Worse yet, is that Planned Parenthood and your local Public School have taught your daughter the concept of sneakiness as a way of life.  Therefore, your child becoming dishonest is a concept taught by Planned Parenthood.  Then, why just being dishonest with the parents?  Dishonesty becomes a way of life at work, in the marriage, in the government.   Can parents have any input in that child’s life, when the child knows that dishonesty is OK, approved by the school, and approved by the government? logic tells us otherwise, and Planned Parenthood is the vehicle for such problems.

Harry Reid says “This all deals with women's health.”  That is a lot of guts, a politicians’ courage.  The funny thing is that Harry Reith calls himself a Mormon; what a disgrace to the Bible, and a disgrace to the Book of Mormon, and a disgrace to the LDS Church.  Though unaffiliated, this time I support the Republicans’ cutting funds for Planned Parenthood.  That money should be used in paying the national debt; every dollar counts.