A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Are Our Judges Ignorant?

Voter ID Law Struck Down.

(CBS/AP) WASHINGTON - A federal court has ruled against a Texas law that would require voters to present photo IDs to election officials before being allowed to cast ballots in November.

My Comment

This Federal Court’s decision demonstrates the ignorance of our leaders—Judges in this case.    
“…it imposes strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor, and racial minorities…”

Do these judges know how the poor and minorities live, to make such statement?  The poor and minorities live without banking accounts and without credit cards. 
It is common knowledge, to open a banking account the citizen needs an ID.  Thus, these judges are assuming that the poor and minorities do not have IDs.  The poor and the minorities who are too poor to have banking accounts, do their financial transactions by money orders and money-grams, and Western-Union. 

Do these judges know that to buy a money order or to cash a check, or send or receive from Western –Union, the client has to presnt an ID.  So, poor people have at least one ID.  If the ignorant judges mean the poor as being the homeless, these judges are showing their ignorance there too.  For, to stay at a homeless shelter the patron must provide and ID.  
Every body has an ID.  The only people who don’t need an ID are the people who live 100% off the street—that is a very small number, even among the homeless.  Such people who live off the street, don’t vote; they are detached from society.   So we need leaders—especially judges, to be people from the lower strata of society, people who know what life is all about; otherwise, ignorance rules, as in the voting ID situation.