A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Friday, October 26, 2012

Out of Focus

As an independent voter I feel offended by the tone of Mr. Cohen’s article in the The Washington Post about racial divide on voting.  The tone appears as if white voters vote based on race.  Yet, according to the same article “... 80 percent of all nonwhites supported Obama, including 95 percent of black voters”   

Culture attachment is omitted as a factor on minorities voting.  We immigrants even in the second generation tend to believe politicians.  I am speaking from an immigrant’s viewpoint—I am naturalized. 

According to immigrants, thus minorities other then black, we have been brainwashed with the philosophy that the Democratic party is the savior of the working class.  I was in the box, and as a democrat I voted by party lines.  But, then I faced reality:  My party raised my taxes, my meager income shrunk.  I became non-affiliated. 

Now, our president quotes an incomplete report as if all figures were in.  Those of us who are informed vote based on facts.  As voters start to see facts and the lack thereof, we move to the candidate who appears more honest.—it’s about credibility, not racial emotions.