A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Friday, December 31, 2010

About this Blog


Some published comments are raw (unedited), thus reflecting my late hours writing, or reflecting my children’s presence when I tried to write such news/reader’s comment.


Some comments here were not published on the news media’s article because the article’s site source such as the Christian Science Monitor and Voice of America among others refusing my comment directly or by programmed means that at times shut down my computer when I tried to re-upload my comment.


Since we can not please everyone, we try to use generic lexicon as well as parallel formatting. Therefore, we use inclusive-phase-writing; there is: If party “A” is anti an item, than party “B” is for that item, or vise versa. Therefore the reader is clear on positions e.g.: pro-life and anti-life, as well as pro-abortion and anti-abortion.


This blog is still in building status; thus, the sequence of items may be altered until all the sequences are finished. Sorry for the inconvenience.


All writings here are my creation, except where posted with credit to the original author. Therefore, the use of any material from this blog for profit without my written consent is prohibited. However, resending a posting for discussion or exchange information, or propagation in a non commercial manner is permitted, provided that the intellectual rights are mentioned as from this blog; TheLionScribe Liberty. Thanks for your righteousness।

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