A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Male Bashing? Perfect example of prevailing maleophobia

Reference to Wall Street Journal Jan 12 2011
Treating all men as potential predators doesn't make our kids safer.


My comment:

Perfect example of prevailing maleophobia; the feminist movement has accomplished its first task. However, Ms. Skenazy in her article appears to be addressing malephobicness as a normal accurance. Thus implying that the phobia is natural or real due to facts—thus helping to compoud the problem.

It would not take a PhD degree to make a bit of reasearch and see that men-hatting is a artificial problem caused by the feminist movement, ranging from religionists to politicians and almost all in between. By looking in the news, anyone can see crime by boh genders. Also, while male crime is decresing, female crime is increasing. So where should te fear be put—which gender is bad? Actually evil actions is by both, not a gender problem, as the feminsts and liberals imply. We can even reference the bible where both male and female genders are identified, each being good, and each being evil.

The core of the problem is capitalism and bigotry. It starts in the court system to protect women with free range to rule over men, for that money that the welfare sytem aknowleged as being a scam. It as a big scam in part. So the government switched the burden of pleasing women from the instution to the male.

The problem is also from the imfamous EEOC which started well for a good reason and then became abused; thus, making men the second class citizen.

Afterwards malebahing became a fashion. If malebashing is all we get in the office, in the radio—including religious talk-shows, in tv, and films; then why shoul society not be afraid of men? Malephobia was created to elevate women at the expense of men—purely chaucism.

The author however summarized very well: “We think we're protecting our kids by treating all men as potential predators. But that's not a society that's safe. Just sick.” By Ms. Skenazy a public speaker and author of the blog and book, "Free-Range Kids"

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