A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bigotry, Sexism, and Feminism are Synonymous—Identify It.

Seed Newsvine

Bigots exist at all levels of society and education. From the post PhD professional to the ignorant and the analphabet or illiterate, the mentality is the same—elevating self by putting others down.

You can see bigotry in the media, in academia, in religion, in liberalism, and now mostly among the environmentalists; and among those so called friends.
The bigot’s mental deficiency is an old learned problem. However, it can be cured if the culprit really wants to heal himself or herself. It is called behavior modification.

There are various reasons to be a bigot. Some people simple learned from family or friends or from the institution, others use it as a defensive mechanism. Then the worse kind of bigotry is the type used to promote an agenda. Whatever the reason is, bigotry shows a level of dishonesty on the individual using it.

Granted, there are some gray lines between the area of ignorance and intention. However anyone paying attention can notice a pattern. Patterns are absolute identifiers of anything. By patterns it is shown how research is made, and it is by patterns that court convictions or innocence is determined based on the law.

Anyone can be either or both the victim or the bigot. Many of us, unfortunately only see bigotry when it hurts us. Sometimes we become pacifists and accept it to avoid contention.
If we chose to accept anything against us, than we loose our identity; our enemies will abuse us verbally, we become the forced clowns.

However, we must discern between valid principals used and human intention of good. In principals, the institution has reasons to adapt certain principals probably based on certain levels of integrity or on concepts of ideology to help society. Those areas are grey at the most; normally they are defined in a good purpose and are not intended to hurt anyone. We are not focusing on that area. We are focusing on areas more mundane such as feminism, race, and social status.

How to easily identify a bigot:
Jokes that seem funny, but the joker would not reverse positions on identities, normally based on race or gender.

The joker or orator keeps a patter based on classism, or gender, or race.

The speaker gets offended when similar jokes or statistics focus on him or her; or his gender, or her race, or their social status, or ethnicity.

Types of bigots:
The inferiority complex-- To elevate self, by oppressing others, or both.
The herd dedication—trying to get followers from the majority.
The protectionist—to keep a degree of difference from those she or he hates.
The compassionist—to gain favor with a group at the expense of another group. This type expresses compassion only about a specific group, thus implying that the other group are at fault.

Feminists’ pigs’ award on sexism is very sweet (internationally used), mostly used in churches: “Peace at home starts when the man has the last word: “Yes dear.””

When I will edit this, it will be more interesting.

If you can add to my list or prove me wrong, please drop a line within the perimeters of kindness.

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