A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Talking Tree

I just wished to be with a friend,
As the rain fell almost without end,
But, the only company was the dark night
Disturbed by each passing car’s beams of light.

Each day presented its test.
Inside an old small car’s best,
But, the real painful test was yet to come,
When talking to those pious who did sleep at home.

Only a divorced man can see,
To be tested for temper and honesty,
How much it hurts to be treated like a tree,
Laughed at, mocked and falsely accused of dishonesty.

I can tell you why, if you let me explain.
There is nothing to explain, suffer the pain!
So, you broke the law, did not inspect your car.
It serves you well, negligence and luck can only go so far.

They say: It is a matter of managing your money well!
In reality, the truth about real misery, only some can tell.
The fat cats laugh at you, calling you lazy even when you cry.
Searching and searching, you can’t get a job, no matter how honest you try.

Understanding that men are not trees,
Only those who have been hungry and cold and without utilities.
While those who make the laws never lack basics, comforts, and amenities;
The system by euphemism, their business’ masters supply them with elections and luxuries.

By DFF Leonardo -- 2005

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