A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Personifying the Universe.

Reference to:

Associated Content from Yahoo


Earthquake in Christchurch New Zealand and the 2012 Paradigm Shift

New Zealand Earthquake Illustrates How the 2012 Paradigm Shift Will Occur

Sunistra Friendel,

Feb 23, 2011


My Comment

It is amazing how some people try to discredit God’s work by crediting the universe and other euphemisms in reference to God. The Irony is well seen in the article in reference. The same writer uses biblical parallels accrediting other sources; some of which are fiction. The movie “2012” is treated as prophecy.

Had such writers red and understood the bible, they would not try to duplicate the outdated romanticism movement. The statement “… first step of the Universe’s punishment”, is a fantastic statement, it personifies the universe. It is like saying that a rock or a tree has the intelligence or capability to act on its own.

Whether the writer is aware or not, such believing is the fundamental cornerstone of the pagan religion. Now, if we are talking about man-made religion, as Friendel does criticize, than Paganism is an excellent example, where people have faith in rocks and in the creation of their own hands and symbolism, yet Friendel is paralleling with Paganism. “Sunistra Friendel” should take a side rather than argue on both sides of the issue.

As far as in the future, people being connected to God, which Friendel euphemises as “the universe”, that is nothing new. Many people through high-self-discipline have connected with God since the Garden of Eden; we see it the prophets of the bible.

Friendel does not understand that material things mean nothing to God unless they are from God. For, even though the temple at Jerusalem was the house of God and the most sacred thing on earth, Jesus prophesized of the temple’s destruction. It had been defiled, because the covenant had been broken. In Mathew 24: 1-2 Jesus speaks about the temple’s destruction, saying that not even one stone would remaining on top of the other.

If Friendel had any knowledge and understanding about God’s dealings, the article would never be written. Therefore earthquakes and other natural destruction is part of Gods plan. The bible prophesizes of even worse things to come on the last days. A man made name or structure has it end as God has planned.

Nevertheless, Friendel has something in perspective about man-made religion. It is obvious that many religions are men made, they revolve on professional preachers; there is conflict of interest there. However, there are over 5,000 religions, with Christianism alone having near 1,300 sects or denominations. Among all these religions, could one be true?

To answer that, one has to know a little bit about the bible and about God’s plan. From the Bible we know that God does have an adversary whom we know as the Devil. Jesus spoke about the Devil, therefore we know that there are two forces. If we compare the Devil with any war adversary, and if we remember that any war is won based on psychology, than we could expect the Devil trying confusing us.

It is like having decoys to confuse the opponent, that is common practices even in today’s missile systems. Therefore, it can be difficult for one to find the true church among over 5.000 religions. But Friendel cannot say that all churches are man-made. By the way, the creditable major news-sources, put the quake at 6.3, not 7.3 as Friendel stated.

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