A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Seed Newsvine

Reference to:
ABC 7 news


Cop shuts down Girl Scout cookie stand in GA

My Comment


So, now the cops hate everyone. They even allow Girl Scout haters to become “police officers”. Some cops are trigger-happy, other cops are like highway robbers behind a gun and a police uniform. Now, harassing the Girl Scouts, that is really sickning.

Then the cops wander why the public has as much respect for the cops as respecting any other criminal. People have rights, selling something is not a crime, but the Gadaffi mentality of our cops and lawmakers make it in the USA worse than in third world countries.

In third world countries, the people are conditioned from birth to expect some level of oppression; they have never experience freedom. In America, we expect freedom; but we are being conditioned to accept oppression.

Peddler petty laws were made against street vendors who did not contribute to the politicians’ funds. Then it became another convenient way to control the poor. Where is liberty in the USA, when children need to have authority from the police and from the government to sell cookies once or twice a year? America use to be the land of liberty; now, it is the land of harassment.

Cops harassing motorists, can hide under the pretense of safety, and under the pretense of needing to make their monthly money hits imposed by their higher-ups. However, when cops harass children, they cannot hide from their oppressive-cop mentality. That is psychological child abuse. On the other hand, conditioning the population since childhood creates a sense of oppression being a natural way of life.

But why not, even the TSA gets away with sexual-child-abuse, the groupers. These citizen abuses by our American government, are being worse than the abuses by the “dictators” that our soldiers have died fighting in so many countries. It is oppression.

This soft-oppression is comparable to the Iranian and Taliban regimes that we oppose. The extremist Muslims oppress mostly women, in America, our authorities are oppressing everyone, including children.

The sacred words in that paper that we call our American Constitution guarantee liberty to the citizens. However, tyrants have made laws around our constitution.

We need LIBERTY as the founding fathers sacrificed for. Let’s vote for our peers, let’s vote for real people; rather than voting for upper class professional tyrants, and professional liars.


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