A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Thursday, April 28, 2011

America Slipping to Number Two

Seed Newsvine

Partially in relationship to:


My Viewpoint

A Citizen’s Viewpoint: 

Is Barack Hussein Obama II, making himself un-re-electable, or is the phenomenon of US slipping to second fiddler in the global theater a sign of the beginning of US’ rout of former great Empires--3th Rome?  Two viewpoints are at play. 

First it might be what many people mentioned in 2008—lack of experience from Mr. Obama II, as well as having a secretary of state  who had never served in public office, but anxious to play the big fellows game.  Either way, it appears to be a Democratic paradigm.  The results are showing as the US is slipping on all phases of the game of being a supper-power.

The Golf spill was a disaster clammed by Mr. Obama II, as his responsibility; unless he was joking about.  Either Obama II, had humor fit at the wrong time or he shot his mouth too early when he thought the well was capped; but it kept spilling billions of barrels oil, for which the ecological problems are still decades away from being fixed.

In the latest news, India’s Air Force dumping both the Super Hornet F-18, as well as the F-16 as India’s fighting aircraft.  Both rejection bids reduce the US influence and prestige as well as costing the US 100 billion dollars in jobs.  It may even have been due to anti US feelings; according to The Times of India. 

According to the Guardian, UK,   “Various observers have noted this week that China's economy will be bigger than that of the United States in 2016. This comes from the International Monetary Fund's (IMF's) latest projections.”

So the US has four years to fend off China’s dominance.  But, will the US get back to where we were. 

If China has replaced the US as the global manufacture; if their currency complements it, which is does; and if China is opening ways in Africa and other third world areas, where does it leave the US?  The British knew in the 1600s that the power and influence of a country depends on business with other countries.  Thus, the British has a great empire, until their building secrets became no longer a secret.     

The US capitalists were so eager to have a better year, and show growth that they sold their milking cow, and now they buy from their former buyer.  Where is wisdom?  Capitalism sold America to the Communist Chinese.  So, now the US tries to control the Tiger.  Is this a dream, or a truth hard to believe?  Selling the milking cow goes back deeper then Obama II; it goes way back to Nixon.  Giving our manufacturing to the Chine was simple a casino type deal. Well, we lost.  We broke loose the Tiger’s gate; now, the beast is on the loose.

On education we are falling.  As a place to raise children, the last I noticed, the US was down as the 19th Best place to raise children.  On family relations America has slipped too, socially.  According to a Brazilian show, research was made on children of divorced parents, such research would not be popular in the US.  For, the research exposed divorced woman as instigators in turning their children against their fathers—a now divorced woman’s problem, but taboo in the US.

So, where is America?  Are we becoming a decaying society where morals, influence, prestige and power has slipped by our own negligence?  Though generally speaking the USA is still the best place in the world, the question remains--for how long?  Starting with the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Portuguese, Spanish, English, and now American Empire, among other great empires, all have the same fate, when decay becomes part of the system, that is the end of prestige. 
Every great empire has fallen when they got corrupted.  We could learn, but like other empires, arrogance dominates, sin becomes the model and the end comes near unless we choose to correct the path.  Of course, only the religious people see the corruption part, the intellectuals call it progress.  Are we going to repent like the people of Nineveh or are we going to condemn Jonah.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

America's-Shame and Feminist Evil

Reference to Pictures on CBS 48 Hours
My Comment

Two evils combined produce the disintegration of civilization.  Capitalism and feminism are bringing shame to the USA.  Where are the women advocates, and the liberals, and the feminists, and the relegiofeminists?  They are comfortable because feminism is fulfilling its purpose—joy on seeing men suffering.   

The feminists are preying on the poor, and preying on the homeless, preying on the hungry, preying on the destitute, and preying on the neglected.   This is happening for two reasons, feminism ego and the love of money.

Many thanks to CBS for exposing the site Shefights.net.  On 37 pictures shown, appears that they have well trained “B”s (women) beating men who apparently have agreed to get beaten for filming.  

Of course the naïveness of men will put them at disadvantage by first, believing that in a film it is all fake.  Second men have a myth that women are incapable of being cruel.  Third there is the myth that men in the USA are not exploit.  For, the anti-male gang always deceive, by put women as being the victims, and by puttin men as being the aggressors.  

Of course we will never know who actually pays to see poor men—the homelss being abused, but who else if not feminists both male and female sickies.   Has anyone cried for the server to be shut down?  It does not seem like it, or at least it is not mentioned on the article. 

From the tele-evangelists and other comfortably-living feminist, including politicians and business people, the message is one: male-bashing.  The feminists have set the mood for capitalists and the unscrupulous women in the filming to be perceive as normal.  I can remember a meek man being chided for not defending himself from an abusive wife. 

But I have not heard such about a women.  It starts in the court (judicial) system where the mood is absolutely anti-father, and anti-husband.  Then it goes through the business catering to the majority—those who have political clout—women.  And then it goes by the educational system where men are seen as tyrants, and liberals are seen as victims. 

The clips were not made by conservative women, I am almost sure.  The muscles on some of these women show them as well trained muscular built women.  The only good thing about the news is that men can be aware of the kind of world we are living in.   

It will not get any better until men unite and admit that the male gender is being sexually discriminated against, and men are being victimized.   Society must remember that evilness comes from both men and women alike.  STOP VIOLENCE NOW.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Lion is wonded

Seed Newsvine
The Telegraph   UK
Almost one in eight people living in UK are born abroad
Almost one in eight people living in the UK are now foreign born after hitting record levels in the wake of the largest wave of immigration in history.
My Comment

The neighborhoods are changing, and then the schools needs to anglicise the immigrants’ children, otherwise the British culture would have a painful culture shock.  However, that change in culture will indeed occur; but gradually, like bleeding to death one drop at a time with constant loss of life.

The menus on the corner restaurant will change.  It will become somewhat fascinating to try that tasty dish from the immigrant’s tradition.  Will the Brits at this point realize that they are Brits in location only? Or will they realize that Britain will be a simple geographical location with a modified lexicon, and with a modified syntax approach to everyday communication.

Just like a crack-addict craving the fix, the Brits like immigrants; but, they see a change coming where their grandchildren will find that lower class influence as something desirable.  However, there is a grater evil behind such British pain.  It is called capitalism. 

Them immigrants do cost the system; but, the system is paid by taxes from the general population, while the financial benefits from immigrants go to stocks and other profits of real estate agents, and banks with new mortgages, and the merchants.  Each immigrant will buy more clothes, and buy more home appliances, and buy other merchandize that makes the economy tic.  Like Georg Bush said when the US economy was slowing down:  “Do your Christmas shopping and the economy will go up.”

Now, might be the time that Patrick Colquhoun’s theory of 1806 might even be considered.  Otherwise, even the Queen’s great grand-children could end-up being attracted to the veil, or even ware a burka.  The tunnel accident sure took a lot of that fear off.   

Now that the lion has allowed the camel, and the bare, and the eagle, and other creatures to raise their offspring on the lion’s den, it is starting to be pretty uncomfortable.  After all, reality shows that the greatest Empire ever on the planet, the Great Colonizer is being colonized by its former subjects. 

Money has a price to be earned; but in capitalism what counts is more and more control.  The ball keeps on rolling and the Brits have to decide whether Britain will lose its identity, or separate from the EU and become the desirable island that it has been for near half millennium.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Shame on the Cops

Seed Newsvine

Reference to:

Cop killer shot 68 times by SWAT team
The Police News

My Comment

That is shame to the cops putting 68 bullets into a self-proclaimed hero.   Darn it, didn’t these cops have anymore bullets.   Most likely that assassin was a hero at home, wherever he came from.  Now, the guy comes to the USA, and faces a cop who dared to stop him for a traffic violation.   So the illegal proved to be better that the officer who stopped him. 

I mean, he was clever, like back home; he could pull the trigger faster.   Unlike back home the creep was lucky.  Now, no other cop will ever dare to stop that “undocumented immigrant”.     He earned it;  Peace at Last.   Though, I don’t like cops in general.   I have some advice for the SWAT team.   Please carry at least 100 bullets for next time.   Because you left that guy short by 32 bullets, shame on you.   Yes, I don’t like borders, but respect for the law, is part of being civilized.

Slaves vs. Freedom


As long as there is a tax system, people are slaves to the government. For, when people have no money for taxes, the government steals the people's property. That is why it is so important to destroy the Arab cultural ideology, they don't have tax system. They share and do things in common; but normally under a dictator.  So who is free?  Freedom is not just regular elections.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Seed Newsvine
Mom drives van into Hudson, killing self, 3 kids

Associated Press

 My Comment

She succeeded in having the father never seeing the kids again. Could she dot it legally?  “ She said she was trying to get a court order so he could never see the kids again."
Even though more moms are killing the children, the courts still give mothers physical custody. Something is wrong with the system.  Yea, women have PAC groups and man don’t.   Meanwhile, the children suffer or die.
Almost like Suzan Smith, but Suzan tried to blame others, even though it did not work.