A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Friday, May 6, 2011

“Mom Not Sexual Predator!” Was It the Boy?

Seed Newsvine

'Hummer Mom' Christine Hubbs Convicted of Underage Sex, Says She's Not a 'Predator'
My Viewpoint

“Mom Not Sexual Predator!” Was It the Boy?
What a shame for the way the article was written; almost leaving the impression that Ms. Hubbs was seduced by her daughter’s 14 year old boyfriend.  The tone implies that the forty year old woman was lead by the14 year old victim.  He is a male, therefore he was the instigator of a sexual relationship where the evidence points that she looked for every moment of it.
Actually, Ms. Hubbs may be a victim of social negligence.  If we take a look at the social media and at civic leaders, and at the academia, and even at televangelists women are always the victims and men are always the aggressors; therefore why should women mend their ways?  Like she said he was on their bed; but, he was the guest.  She lead him and he pulled her in, and it just happened?
Where was the planning?  Or was it well planned for her convenience?  If the boy had started it why did she followed him afterwards, and why did she showered the boy with gifts.  The detective’s words seem more likely.  His girlfriend’s mom seduced the boy, and then she seduced his fried as well; trying to manipulating the boy by jealousy.  Far from “It just happen.”
Sorry, Ms. Hubbs, you did not invent anything new.  Other moms have competed for and got their daughters’ boyfriends.  You will not make history, you were not the first.  In both cases, it was not Ms. Hubbs who started the sexual encounters “It just happened. Again, I just, I don't know.”  Typical seducer’s talk to save face.
There might be a possibility that this 40 year old woman, who is the mother of three, and who is married to what appears to be a another obedient husband, is actually a victim of social bias.  For, from secular teachings to academia and common religious talks, woman are incapable of abuse; unless the abuse occurs among women, than there is no scapegoat.   
Never yet, have I heard any expert or person of influence say publically that woman should mend their ways.  Normally the message is about men having to mend their ways, and even for men to be obedient to their wives.  Therefore when a man tries to help his wife to realize that she is off-track, the answer is logic: “Are you restricting me?” or “Don’t boss me around.” 
Recently I heard a prominent speaker praise the obedience to wives as a wise deeds.  Seems that Mr. Hubbs tried to help his wife, for he caught her text-messaging.  Tim Hubbs appears to be OK.  He did not interfere with his wife—so it appears, he went around to track her, and that is where she go into legal trouble. 
Had this woman ever heard publically that spouses have to listen to each other—wives listen to your husbands and husbands listen your wives, Ms. Hubbs may have been better off today.  However.  I have never heard it publically, and I surf the news, including talk shows and other public speaking.
Now, in this 21 Century, if Ms. Hubbs had heard about listening to her husband, as men are being instructed to listen to their wives, perhaps that marriage could be saved.  After all, Tim Hubbs at this time wants to forgive his wife and stay married to her.  By the article’s tone appears that Tim’s reaction is normal .  If the genders were reversed in this case, the wording might not have appeared so smooth.
The article appears orphan, without a “by line” and it should; after all, normally in crime reporting religion is not a focus.  But in the ABC’s article religion does come into play.  Such religious tone reporting is not common about Catholics and mainstream Protestants, why than bring other people’s religion into the news. 
By the general appearance of the Hubbs’ lifestyle in the article, the Hubbs were not mainstream Mormons.  They were not following basic church teaching; otherwise the conditions that lead this woman’s crime would have never occurred.   Though, the LDS Church does not dictate what to or not to do, The LDS Church does give advice on good living practice, it is up to each individual to choose.  Perhaps the next article involving non Catholics and non Protestants will be treated from a citizen viewpoint, rather than from a religious perspective.            
On the gender side, Ms. Hubbs appeared to get preferential treatment.  Since when has a man had continuous sex with two 14 year olds and only get 5 years on the can?  The feminists would be crying all-over the news, saying that another sexual offender would be getting a slap on the wrist. 
It is amazing, that through all this, Tim Hubbs wants to stay married to a sexual predator, while in the reporting His wife has not mentioned her infidelity and dishonesty to her family, to her husband, and to her children.  This woman was mostly concerned about appearance.
Is Tim Hubbs the product of example in being an obedient husband, or is Tim actually trying to be Christ-like?  Perhaps, Tim is simply being a sucker to whom noting matters, because women are always the victim and therefore women are always right, as it is being taught.

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