A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Monday, September 26, 2011

Inside the Wall Street Protests: An Eyewitness Account of Police Crackdown on Peaceful Demonstrators
Protesters from the week-old "occupation" in New York's financial district were arrested, penned up, and Maced on Saturday when the NYPD showed up to their march.


My Take

Episodes like the one shown in the very city where the UN is seated, is what cause people like the Haqqanis, and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, and so may others, to see the USA as hypocrites. New York City does not represent the USA, but in the eyes of the outsiders, NYC is the USA. Shame on the NYC cops.

Of course anyone who listens to the radio in NY City can understand the NY cops are a bunch of trigger happy freaks.

When I worked in NY City, a little over a decade ago, there the news once reported about NY city cops killing an African immigrant who did not speak English, who tried to use his cell phone and the cops shored him with gunfire, because he did not understand FREEZE! In another instance, a known mentally hill Jew who pulled a hammer to the cops, got the same fate. The cops chose not to mace him. This poor guy was so hill that he was running naked, he had no weapons hiding—he had no clothes on.

However. our courts sided with the cops “They thought their lives were in danger”. What about this peaceful demonstration. The cops here appeared more sophisticated, they gas the people--peaceful demonstrators.

Where are Hillary Clinton and Barac Hussein Obama II, with their big mouths accusing everybody else of oppression? Only the Syrians, the Chineese, the Iranians, anybody else are oppressionists, yah! Right! This happened in Clinton’s backyard. She is only a few dozen miles from New York City. Worse yet, where are the all American-media, they barely mentioned it?

The problem appears to obvious; the filthy rich must not be exposed, by any price. Most likely if the same had happened in protest about anything else, the protesters would be welcomed as a symbol of American Freedom. Now we see, American freedom ends where exposing the rich starts.

Do our soldiers have access to this oppression in NY City? If ours soldiers see this will they have high moral and dedication needed to be willing to die for freedom?

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