A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bad mouthing the LDS Church to get at Romney

Romney’s Mormon Problem
Mitt Romney and the weird and sinister beliefs of Mormonism.
By Christopher Hitchens|Posted Monday, Oct. 17, 2011, at 11:05 AM ET

My Take

Everybody has the right to quote anybody else and appear educated to those who don’t know anything either. It appears even more sophisticated to blend a little bit of truth with lots of distortions to appear more realistic. But, takes courage and it takes ethics in learning about something before writing about it.

I have investigated the LDS church in parallel to the bible; thus, I found, the LDS church does follow the bible. Also, I have read much anti-Mormon literature by former LDS members that I noticed it to be false.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints follows the bible. Everything the LDS church practices can be found in the bible, if anyone wants to check both. However, it appears that Christopher Hitchens has not done his homework on either.

If Hitchens dislikes Romney, that is fine, I dislike Mitt too. We are both on the same side on that issue. However, badmouthing the LDS church to get at Romney is childish, it is immature, and proves the lack of intellect needed to be believed by any reasonable person regardless of religion or being a non-believer.

Just one example of distortion is the fact of membership, and opting out. To leave the LDS church, all it takes is for the person who chooses to leave, to write to, or visit the local clerk and state that he or she wants their name removed. Those who were friends still keep their friendships. That is something I know firsthand.

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