A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why Are So Many Women Liars and Cheats?

Seed Newsvine

Liars and Cheats

Why are most women such liars and cheats?
Walking over men, on high-ells, stilts and cleats.
Laughing but, then pretending they go to church,
To be praised at were hard core feminists lurch.

But, not each is actually a sneaky liar and cheat
And, their husbands see you as a bum from the street.
Some are actually nice, but then you pay the price
Their hubbies expect you to treat your tyrant very nice.

It is a mockery of what a marriage actually should be
The bible teaches, to both equality, it’s for all to see.
It is the price you pay, for seeing that tight blouse sway
It was for a reason, you should have looked the other way.

A liar and a cheat in disguise, got you to say “I do”.
Next time you better check if she is real and true.
After your commitment she is your ever torment
Stepping on you, while pretending to be eloquent.

Next time, you peek, and choose one who is actually meek.
And it is in meekness that you too should always seek.
If she is meek, you have gotten a pearl--very rare
She is the one you should keep, and for you to bear.

Liars and cheats, many they are and taking advantage
The more you are humble the more you need courage.
So, if yours is nice and true, do for her all in your reach.
Love her, and love her, as the prophets did teach.

DFF Leonardo, November 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

USA - A House Divided Against Itself

Seed Newsvine

Occupy Wall Street Wikileaks Truck Confiscated, Possibly Lost By NYPD



Normally movies are made from fiction, now the OWS is the reality that appears as fiction.

We are helping the Libyans, and everyone who wants freedom, to be free, while repression is right in our own kitchen; NY City of all places—in the city where United Nations headquarters is.

With what face can Hillary Clinton tell the Chinese or the Iranians or the Koreans to give their people the right to free speech, when Hillary Clinton’s home state is harassing peaceful protesters? Demonstrators have more respect-proportionally in Egypt than in the USA.

Jesus Said over 2,000 years ago that “A house dived against itself will not stand.” However, in space age, in the most sophisticated country in the world, the government has not given heed, to that so true phrase.

Our government is making a mockery of the American fundamental right –freedom of speech—the right to assemble. Without the first Amendment there in no USA. Freedom of Speech is what makes America the most desired country on the Earth.

However, the simultaneous crackdown on OW seems to be a national coordinated effort to destroy the 1st Amendment, because it threatens the evilness in capitalism.
Worse, yet: If the NYPD has no idea where their confiscated material is, then it starts to sound like in dictatorship countries where the secrete police causes things to disappear and nobody can retrieve anything.

We had a cold war, with the Soviet Union, but now we are adapting their strategies. Unless we get to the voting both with a firm decision to get every-crook out, and replace them with a new batch who might want to respect our sacred constitution, we may as well claim the status of third Rome.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Kennedy Assassination Fiasco

Seed Newsvine


Revisiting the Kennedy Assassination: Frank Rich and the Paranoid Style
By James Piereson
It has now been 48 years since President John F. Kennedy was cut down on the streets of Dallas by rifle shots fired by Lee Harvey Oswald,



It is beautifully written about the logic surrounding Kennedy’s assignation. And of course, would any investigation focus on anything but logic? That would be absurd; logic rules. Now for the other side: If the assassination was a professional conspiracy, would it appear anything but logic?

We all have heard of ghost stories, about Lincoln patrolling the halls of the white house. I have never seen ghosts, but the bible tells us that spirits do come from the dead at times.

About fifteen years after JFK’s episode, I was with a group of non-ignorant people lead by spiritualists. As we meditated, one person said to have seen the face of John Kennedy. Then the following was said by the person leading the meditation. She was not involved with money in areas dealing with spiritualism.

Mrs. Andrews words: “Soon after the assassination, we were in a regular meeting were spirits gave messages (typical in spiritualism religion), and one came crying saying, ‘I did not do it’. After came another stating that he and Oswald were friends, and he had not killed him, the second identified himself as JFK.

The mediums asked, who did it then? “They did it (CIA), because I backed off from the Bay of Pigs and a lot of anti-Castro people died. It was done from the inside.”

Though, I do not practice spiritualism, neither was ever a member, I do believe Mrs. Andrews’ words. For, it profited her nothing to say anything like that. And she was very serious about facts.

On the other hand, if we get news-clips about people who have spoken about the investigation, and had facts that could challenge the final opinion; we can also learn what mysteriously has happened to them; then we tend to say that what Mrs. Andrews stated is real.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Seems that the DA condones steeling, by prosecuting the father.

DA: Statute of limitations prevents charges in judge's beating of daughter
Aransas County District Attorney Patrick Flanigan sent a letter to Rockport Police Chief Tim Jayroe Thursday evening, informing him of his decision on prosecution.

My Take

If she was steeling, the judge should have turned her to prosecution, and have the law deal with her. Have her in jail where she would be more civilized.

Now, the daughter appears to have known her father, and decided to set him up for blackmail--typical woman. What are the statutes of limitations for theft?
So, if the law or society punishes the judge, that will be a blank check for other teenagers who steel and terrorize society.

Most likely the feminist movement including religionists, will justify that steeling is OK, by fighting the father, who tried to prevent his daughter from becoming a bum. If they prosecute this father, the law is now saying that it is OK to steel if you live with you father.

Cunning at its peak, well,” if I can’t have my toys the way I demand, I will make you miserable”. That attitude is normally from divorced women, seems like that cat graduated ahead of her class.