A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lightning-Rod Palin

Appears that Sarah Lightning-rod Palin has a natural way into self destruction. Firs all appeared OK; she was for the Washington outsiders. We all loved the idea. Then as she started to get more exposure she started on the path to self diving by the mouth. Perhaps Ms. Lighting–rod should stat to think and be aware of her opponents. The big blubber was expressing extremist or overreaction by her paralleling Assange to Bin Laden. Assange is viewed by many in the US and across the globe as a hero journalist. That reflected impulse-not presidential material.

Then she had gaffes on some of her statements. That gives the appearance of incompetence. Even though other politicians have had plenty of the same too. Now, the attraction was to Lightening-rod again 'blood libel'. However, this time she is the real victim. For, it appears that Palin was using the same words as Professor Glenn Reynolds 'blood libel.' However, Palin used the words perhaps too close to real blood; and her enemies had a field day. Let Sarah alone, she can do plenty of self destruction, she does not need liberals to help her.




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