A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is Sarah Palin a bad example?

Seed Newsvine

It appears that Sarah Palin is a paradox. Sarah speaks about all the good things about the family and other good things, like every politician does. But appears that Palin puts emphasis on family values. That is great to keep families together.

However, families, especially conservative families like Sarah proposes, function by two parents. Right on, she is on target. This is amazing from a mother of five with a special needs child to care for. Supporting the family and being there, goes hand and hand.

As experts and experienced people say, the best teaching method is example; and this is the area where Sarah Palin may be falling short. The family means doing things together—a mother and a father. How can Palin the mom, spend time with her family, when a great portion of her time is on the road giving speeches, or preparing talks, and surfing the news?

Sarah Palin is not being the exemplary mom that she appear to be. Seems that her husband can cover for her; or does Sarah Palin hire people to help out with parental tasks? Even if the last is true, mom is not there. Sarah Palin does not fulfill the role of a loving mom, to fulfill the very role that she advocates.

Than, if Sarah Palin is not living by what she preaches, how can we rely on Sarah Palin as politician? Could it be that Palin, is visioning a two layer system where one set of rules apply to rich and affluent, while another set of rules apply to the proletariat? That is the way things are now, we do not need people doing what is being done; it has not worked and will not work. We need politicians with an honest focus, and with a new perspective. We need our equals to be politicians.

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