A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bad financial puzzle

How can we understand the situation? If we look in the stocks market, it appears to be recovering; the unemployment seems to be inching down (Not counting those not getting benefits of course). And then, we see the nasty surprises such as the foreclosures still rising even though less.

If the financiers the bankers primarily wanted to stabilize our economy and make the picture look pretty, why were they in the robo-signing scandal. Appears that the financiers are still in the old mentality mode of looking for any excuse to grab the property and punish the troubled borrower.

So the bankers add more houses to the saturated marked in spite of them knowing that their own medicine only appears to sooth wound. It is like a diabetic eating ice cream to satisfy that old taste, and soon afterwards going into coma. The bankers keep on widening the problem of lowering house prices and causing more antagonism between the financiers and the common-folk.

Where is the long term planning logic with the bankers? Could it be that the bankers foresee a worse situation coming and they want to cash in as soon as it is possible? They will easy the present pain by keeping the picture looking pretty to the stock holders. Than, what will they do when the craving keeps on asking for more, like the addicted that needs higher crack doses to overcome the natural resistance? Are we preparing to make the 1930’s look like a preparation for the real thing? It is all about planning, they say.

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