A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Marriage debate-hate card


Response to author/article

By Matthew J. Franck

Friday, December 17, 2010

In the gay marriage debate, stop playing the hate card

(Seen today on the Web Jan 11, 2011)

Hate and race rhetoric crutches are not the answer to homosexuality and the social division in both the USA and around the world. There is more at stake, and there is plenty of sophistication to destroy the family and religion as we know. Of course the leftists have a point in the area of false religion or religion for profit—thus hypocrisy.

If the whining is about equal rights for loved ones, than civil unions provide the benefits and authority over loved ones’ needs. However, hate from the homosexual community overcomes their false appearance of tolerance. Their crying over Prop 8 is evidence.

Marriage is a Godly institution, even though it has been abused by both religious and secular people alike. From the secular viewpoint, the homosexual community appears correct. However, from the perspective of those who regard God as a continuation of life, the situation of marriage is a sacred and eternal perspective of raising a family and following God’s commandments. Two distinctive perspectives.

From those who follow God’s commandments, sometimes lack of knowledge about their own scriptures becomes the reason for them looking differently on those who choose alternative life stiles. Nevertheless, Jesus told the woman caught in the act of sexual misbehavior to repent and sin no more”. He did not condemn, nor should anyone condemn homosexuals or others of different persuasion. But condemning is different from analyzing a situation and declaring it as right or wrong in ones’ own right.

It is like smoking. If someone wants to smoke it is OK if they smoke as long as their second hand smoke does not affect me or my family. But if it does affect someone, than the smoker needs to understand and respect others to.

The core of the argument comes to right and wrong from each other’s viewpoint. However, in our schools, the homosexual community has sneaked in the two moms and two dads concept as a normal situation. That is just as offensive to honest religious people as it is to mock the Muslim faith or its concepts. We are starting to be tolerable of the Muslims’ believes, but we need to respect other religions as well, that means the Judeo-Christian believes too.

The sublimed focus of the homosexual community is to dismantle religion in order to silent those who believe in God. For, if no one follows God’s commandments, than no one will say that sex-out of the marriage [male-female] is wrong.

There is already talk about making some biblical teachings illegal, because it offends homosexuals and other sexual active people of none marriage status.

The situation is about breaking families apart, and it will not go away, for homosexuality has been around for millennia and will continue. People are free to make choices. Both sides need to respect their own perimeters. The situation is not about just homosexuals it is about the sacredness of sex and the teachings from God’s perspective vs. the humanist viewpoint. NEGOTIATE.

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