A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Friday, January 14, 2011

Obama and Homosexual Marriage

Obama and Homosexual Marriage

Thank you, for visiting Liberty


This comment is in reference to: Washington Post January 14, 2011


Justice Department challenges ruling against same-sex marriage ban

Obama’s move is amazing, either a miracle has happened in his heart, or he is a real fraud.

His move supporting heterosexual marriage can only lead to two things. First, contrary to many people’s saying, the President may actually believe in the traditional family, thus agreeing with God’s principals—unusual for liberals. Second, Obama may be using the marriage struggle between liberals and conservatives to prep himself for re-election, knowingly that it is just a show without any intention to disenfranchise his base.


I am not a lawyer, but in court all is possible. We don’t know how the case is being prepared; but, either way Obama will milk many votes. Even, by challenging the homosexual agenda, the President still gets the guaranteed liberal votes as icing on the cake. On the other hand, seems that after being elected, politicians—presidents included, have the tendency of abandoning their home base a bit and be realistic.


If Obama is a real fraud producing a case designed to be lost, he is not the first. A few years ago I served in a grand-jury for three months. The grand-jury is the first step for any case to go to trial. During our tenure as the grand-jury we came across a case that was designed to be stopped at the first stage.


None of the 24 of us had any experience with the law. According to what I reflected later, I started to believe that the grand-jury had became a rubber-stamp in at least one case that I remember. The strange thing was: Normally, the Assistant District Attorney (ADA) pushes for each case to go to trial, while the grand-jury either approves or disapproves. The grand-jury’s job is to protect the citizens from government corruption in prosecution.


In this case it was the opposite. After pressing the evidence, the ADA told the grand-jury that the case was too weak, and the accused would win. Then, he asked the grand-jury to decline the case. He claimed that the DA would have more time to gather evidence and organize a winning case. The case was dismissed. Latter I noticed cases in the news where the investigation was dormant for years before it was brought to trial.


Ironically today is the 85th anniversary of the monkey trial http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-20010011-501465.html Even though, the case was real in court, the origin of the monkey trial was planned—a famous fraudulent case.


Prove me wrong, but I think that Obama is using the ADA’s case to buy votes—unless the heterosexual marriage group wins. From what I remember, all of Obama’s fights have been in supporting the homosexual agenda.


Smile, and please leave comment.



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