A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Seed Newsvine

Eve and Adam—out
Of the Garden of Paradise,
Adam by choice, Eve by clout,
She wanted to be wise.

Thacious, Oedipus, and others,
Heroes by choice and make.
Some also were mothers,
Homer, Aristotle and the fake.

The woman in the tent with a peg,
Cleopatra, Ahaz and Jezebel,
Esther, Mordekhai—for trial to beg,
Abraham had to dig another well.

Jacob, Rachel, Leah and Laban,
Potiphar’s wife—Joseph in jail.
Pharaoh and Israel’s haven.
Moses’ mother chose—didn’t fail.

Greeks made heroes, and wives for the home to keep.
Males named predators, to act.
Truth didn’t matter, therefore the writers had to leap.
Males and females labeled as fact.

Literature maintaining the myth
For the expecting audience:
The man as a mean smith
The woman as full of innocence.

By DFF Leonardo

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