A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Four Year Boy’s Experience Will Affect the World.

Seed Newsvine


Natalie Tysdal Reporter

My Comment

A four year boy’s experience will affect the world. It will cause some people to question their religions’ teachings. Also, it will throw a monkey-wrench into some political viewpoints. Finally, this child’s words will touch many people’s lives, directly or indirectly.

The Jewish and Muslim believe that Jesus was merely a great prophet is debunked; and the Biblical teaching that Jesus is the Christ—The Son of God, is evident. Also, this non-Mormon Boy’s near-dead experience reinforces some LDS Church’s teachings.

Probably, this experience will even help some agnostics and some atheists who are honest in their quest. They can reset their bearings in their perspective about God, and the bible. People who follow the paranormal side of life, including those with books, and talk-show hosts now have something to reckon with. For, routinely the paranormalists try to dismiss the Bible and Jesus and God.

Many adults have had extraordinary spiritual experiences; but a child’s near-death experience is something to be taken more seriously. Colton’s reunion with his little sister whom he knew not of until he was unconscious in the operating table, testifies LDS’ teaching about little children not needing baptism.

Colton Burpo’s little sister now spirit, died within her mom’s womb, never got baptized; yet she is not in a dark place, as it is being taught by some churches which baptize infants.

The then little child’s experience is proving that Joseph Smith’s revelation about the topic of baptism is correct—like Joseph Smith’s other revelations.

This non-Mormon boy’s experience, also testifies of other teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, especially on the topic “Families can be eternal”. Colton in spirit, also met his great-grandfather; more proof of family bonds after the passage into spirit. Such eternal family bond is an essential area of focus within the LDS Church.

An absolute testimony of prayer is also confirmed by Colton. For, while his parents were praying for him, as devoted people do—especially in moments of crises, Colton saw angles singing to him while he was being operated on. Jesus did command his followers to pray.

Colton’s parents were blessed by being obedient to the commandment of prayer. Their son lived after having an erupted appendix, even after about five days of it being erupted.

The people, who had doubts about when live starts, now can cross reference Colton’s spiritual experience with the bible. Now, they can know that life does start inside the womb.

Therefore, Colton is proving that abortion is actually murder; unless of course, mom’s physical life is in danger—a very sensitive issue. Thus, the people in the billion-dollar abortion-industry (US alone), may sense a feeling of financial discomfort by Colton’s experience.

On the political side, those politicians who claim to be religious, now have no excuse about doubts when life starts. Nevertheless, because politicians’ conscious has the tendency to tilt towards money, Colton’s testimony will probably have little effect on politics.

Since Colton did see Jesus, and God did talk to him, it proves the bible to be a record about God’s dealing with men. Therefore, it will also affect those in the homosexual community who are wandering if the bible is real or not.

Even though, the word homosexual was not yet formed at the time of the bible, the bible’s evidence about sex is clear. Sex according to the bible, is to be strictly between a man and a woman. On the other hand, repentance is for each person who chooses it.

The book—and probably the film too, about Colton Burpo’s spiritual experience as the article mentioned, may cause many people to think and change their lives. Perhaps, the change will not be noticeable in an over-six billion population.

Regardless of numbers, some people will become better people because of Colton’s experience, as it happened with the book and then the movie “The Cross and the Switchblade”, as well as the movie “The Passion of The Christ”.

The timing of Colton’s experience will also have people start to consider the present abnormal weather behavior and the North Pole’s rapid shifting, as probably something that is part of a greater plan. Perhaps we all will change for the better because of that little boy’s near-death experience.

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