A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is Japan a pirate nation?

Seed Newsvine

Reference to:
ABC news


Abducted to Japan: Hundreds of American Children Taken
Japanese Mother Tells ABC News How Easy It Was to Flee With Her American Son

TOKYO, Feb. 16, 2011

My Comment

The evidence seems to prove Japan to be like Somalia. I have met many fine Japanese of high integrity, but as a nation, Japan has turned like Somalia. The Somali pirates hijack ships for ransom; the Japanese pirate-mothers married to Americans kidnap their own children to Japan, and than extort money from the fathers to just see their own children.

The Somali government turns a blind eye to the pirates, and the Japanese government does like the Somalis, tries to live by ignoring international law. Somali is a safe haven for pirates, and “Once in Japan, the parent who abducted the child is protected by their government's unwillingness to sign the Hague Convention, a treaty that provides for the return of abducted children to the other parent.”

The Somalis claim to be unable to catch the pirates because they have a dysfunction government, the Japanese don’t catch the pirate-moms because “Japanese Police Refused to Look for Woman on FBI Most Wanted List for Parental Kidnapping.”

The Japanese government is being ungrateful to the American serviceman. Our soldiers are protecting their skin, and then they stab us in the back. Perhaps we Americans should let the Chinese and North Korea take revenge on Japan for the barbarous treatment they caused to the Chinese and Koreans among others. Japanese cruelty surpassed the Nazis by far. It made Hitler appear like and amateur.

The Japanese Government is proven to continue with their ancient ego problem of superiority and disrespect for others, neither does Japan respect the law, nor children. The scars on these children are for life.

Please, don’t buy Japanese products, nor do any business with the Japanese, until Japan becomes civilized and respects the law and honors children.

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