A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hypnosis' Re-Incarantion; the Biggest Hoax of All Times.

Reference to:

Reincarnation: Believing in second chances


My Viewpoint

The greatest hoax of all times has reincarnated in the academia, by chance or by capitalism, re-incarnation has come full fledge as the open hoax for the gullible to appear sophisticated under the protection of hypnosis.

First, let me say confidently that re-incarnation is a copout to criminals or sin lovers or anti –Christians who want to justify their deeds. The first clue to re-incarnation conflict appears when the spiritualist religion acknowledges hypnosis and forbids licensing as Spiritualists anyone who practices hypnosis. Even though both philosophies cross each other’s path, their cause is in opposite polarity.

The spiritualists who deal strictly with spirit from the non-Christian perspective, and are closer to pagan ideology. Normally they believe in re-incarnation, but state that they cannot prove it. The spiritualists perspective is based on Romanticism where each person is “In tune with everything, and therefore is part of the infinite”. They avoid the word God.

In spiritualism, good or bad doesn’t exist, rather only knowledge and ignorance exists while each individual controls his or her outcome. Their motivation is believing in being better than they have been. Normally Spiritualists praise that which is good and avoid evilness. It is similar to the philosophy of the gentry, polite under all circumstances.

On the opposite, the hypnotists’ philosophy is based on money, and hypnotists normally know nothing about spirits. Rather, they deal with the individual; but they treat regression based on oriental philosophy-or religion. Hypnotists include regression on in their training-optional for a fee. But, each hypnotist needs more training-hours to maintain their certification.

The point where hypnotists and spiritualist cross paths is when the hypnotist performs regression. As hypnosis deals with the subconscious, at times with deep hypnosis, the line can be crossed, where the subject goes into a limited trance. At this point the person hypnotized is not conscious of himself or herself.

Instead, the hypnotized person is on a state of perhaps semi-coma (a good area for research). In such deep hypnosis in regression the subject speaks almost as mumbling-different from regular hypnosis. In deep hypnosis, it is almost the same as being a medium—or person possessed by a spirit where the words are normally not in detailed intonation.

When a person is at this stage, of mediumship whether it is called regressional-hypnosis of a trance the results are the same. The person is open to spirits using that body to talk—a golden opportunity for a spirit. Many sprits are not even aware that they no longer have a body. Some spirits even deny being dead.

When such spirits talk inside other people they have the same personality that they had when they were mortals. Liars lie, show-offs do their thing, criers, cry and the list goes on.

Appears however, that the spirits have to be obedient to humans. Normally, spirits don’t identify themselves, others are still in shock without knowing where they are. Some ask for food, others ask drink, others even cigarettes or alcohol. There was an article about ten years ago (I think it was in Reader Digest), where a woman who never drank got all kinds of cravings for beer and motorcycles, after she received a transplant. After research, she found that she had received an organ from an alcoholic biker.

Because Hypnotists don’t admit or know anything in general about spirits, all that comes from the hypnotized person is taken a fact. Thus a spirit who lived, hundreds of years ago will tell you about that language or place and time in history.

However the hypnotized person gets the credit as if he or she was the same being. People whose lives have in talking to spirits, know how to ask questions. But who knows who is talking, there is not identity to prove how is how.

So regression is better explained as real for the person who regressed in knowledge, for after giving the hypnotist that good cash, the subject knows less about him or herself. Less than he or she thinks, because after regression he/she thinks to have been a bagger or a king hundreds of year ago.

Nevertheless, the human brain does contain a memory bank that can be accessed by hypnosis, trauma, or psychoanalysis. But, then the question gets bigger. For if we, existed before our bodies, as evidence shows in the bible; than, we also may remember where we were in spirit before we were born. So, the philosophy of re-incarnation is exposed as flawed.

My bases for my viewpoint is from my research into religion; for seven years visiting different religions, including paganism, and spiritualism. I was raised where spirits talked in people as routine--not pretty. Also, I practiced hypnotherapy for two years as a certified hypnotist—no regressions. My contact can be at one word “the lion scribe” at g mail.

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